A big event in health sector of Sistan and Baluchestan, new mega hospital of Zahedan

Report from: ZAUMS Public Relations & International Affairs Office
Published on: 11 January 2021
Obtaining permanent budget line for new 540- bed hospital of Zahedan, the dream of under privileged residents of outskirts of Zahedan for an equipped and standard hospital is being materialized.
Dr. Hashemi Shahri Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences stated that collective efforts of Zahedan University, Iranian Minister of Health, Head of Health Commission of Iranian Parliament and its members as well as Governor General of Sistan and Baluchestanbore came to fruition fruits and the Commission of Article 23 of the National Organization of Budget and Planning issued the permit and ultimately the hospital obtained a permanent budget linestarting from the year 1400 (2021-22).
Dr. Hashemi- Shahri stated that annual allocated budget of the Hospital was stipulated in the budget bill of the year 2021-2022 and expressed hope for its approval in the parliament. In this case the trend of annual allocation of budget will continue until completion of the project in subsequent years.
He said that the main objective of the construction of the mega hospital is to increase hospital bed indicator proportionate to the population of Sistan and Baluchestan province and closing the gap in access to hospital beds and approaching national average in this regard as an important health infrastructure indicator.
Referring to the prolonged procedure of land acquisition for hospital site of seven hectare, Chancellor of Zahedan University thanked Departments of Roads and Urban Development, Natural Resources Organization, Management and Planning Organization, Industrial Parks Company and Zahedan Municipality for their support and contribution and said that the hospital has been planned to be placed in a location which is not only convenient for hundreds of thousands of disadvantages residents of the suburb but can accelerate socio-economic developments of these areas. Dr. Hashemi further added that hitherto all hospitals as well as private clinics of Zahedan are located in the more developed southern part of the city. Underprivileged people who mainly live in northern outskirts of Zahedan will be able to have an easy access these hospital beds and clinics in near future.
Copyright © 2021 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 11/01/2021
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