The World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017 Campaign Materials


Posters 2017

Misuse of antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when you don't need them speeds up antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistant infections are more complex and harder to treat. They can affect anyone, of any age, in any country.


Think twice. Seek advice

Antibiotics aren't always the answer. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking antibiotics.


Our time with antibiotics is running out

Antibiotics are in danger of losing their effectiveness due to misuse and overuse, and in many cases they aren't even needed.

Misuse of antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when you don't need them speeds up antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistant infections are more complex and harder to treat. They can affect anyone, of any age, in any country.

Roll-up banner

Our time with antibiotics is running out. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking antibiotics.


Infographics 2017

Misusing and overusing antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when they are not needed accelerates emergence of antibiotic resistance, one of the biggest threats to global health.

Everyone has a role to play

You can help prevent antibiotic resistance. Preventing infection can reduce the use of antibiotics, and limit the spread of antibiotic resistance. Good basic hygiene is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of infection.


  • Aug 15 2023 - 21:11
  • - Number of Visits: 259
  • - Number of visitors: 246
  • Study Time : 1 minute(s)

Daro-Shefa General Hospital in Border City of Mirjaveh, southeast of Iran to receive the IPD certificate for admitting International Patients

In a visit of Dr. Tarjeman, Secretary of Health Tourism, Iran’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MoH), Mrs. Danayee, Health Tourism Expert, MoH, Dr. Ali Khajeh, Vice Chancellor for Treatment Affairs, and Dr. Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Advisor to ZAUMS Chancellor for International Affairs, and Dr. Zahra Keikha, Head of the Department of Medical Supervision to Daro-Shefa General Hospital in Border City of Mirjaveh on 15th August 2023, the hospital was evaluated in prospects of preparation for admitting international patients.

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office

Published on: 15 August 2023


In a visit of Dr. Tarjeman, Secretary of Health Tourism, Iran’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MoH), Mrs. Danayee, Health Tourism Expert, MoH,  Dr. Ali Khajeh, Vice Chancellor for Treatment Affairs, and Dr. Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Advisor to ZAUMS Chancellor for International Affairs, and Dr. Zahra Keikha, Head of the Department of Medical Supervision to Daro-Shefa General Hospital in Border City of Mirjaveh on 15th August 2023, the hospital was evaluated in prospects of preparation for admitting international patients.


Daro-Shefa Hospital established in April 2017 in the border City of Mirjaveh is a 32-bed general hospital, including one ICU and one NICU bed. It has radiology unit, medical diagnostic lab, a pharmacy, a hemodialysis unit, and specialized clinic with various specialty fields such as internal medicine, pediatrics, infectious diseases, cardiac, obstetrics & gynecology, ophthalmology, and general surgery. The hospital has 1 specialist per hospital bed and 1.2 nurses per bed, and it has been serving a population of more than 70,000 patients, in addition to the travelers crossing Iran-Pakistan border.


Each month, more than 10,000 patients receive inpatient and outpatient services in this hospital. The hospital has 2 Operation Theatres with 3 operation beds, an active LDR unit with 3 beds, and more than 1500 births takes place in the maternity ward of the hospital.


It is worth mentioning that since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, this hospital has been equipped with 10 beds for respiratory and COVID-19 patients, with a cure rate of 85% of admitted COVID-19 patients. Currently, the hospital has a 60% bed occupancy rate, a positive financial balance.


According to the available capacities in near future, the process of issuing a license to admit international patients will be carried out.



Copyright © 2023, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, All rights reserved. Date updated: 15/09/2023

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S.M. Tabatabaei

S.M. Tabatabaei



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