NEW animated videos - An. stephensi, urban malaria, new types of ITNs released by Global Malaria Programme

Dear global malaria team colleagues,
As part of a broader effort to make our malaria guidance more accessible to end users, we have been developing short, animated videos across a range of technical areas.
We are pleased to share with you the latest set of videos, developed in close collaboration with GMP technical experts.
- Spread ofAnopheles stephensiin Africa
- Responding to malaria in urban areas
- WHO recommendations on new types of insecticide-treated nets
The videos are currently available in English, and language versions will be shared in the coming weeks.
We would be grateful for your help in disseminating these videos through your networks – particularly at the country and regional level. You will find the full set of videos on the WHO/GMP website.
As a reminder, you can access the consolidatedWHO guidelines for malariathrough the MAGICapp platform in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. You can also access WHO’s most up-to-date malaria recommendations through the GMP “Malaria Toolkit” mobile app.
Best wishes,
Saira Stewart
Global Malaria Programme