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H.E. Minister of Health inaugurates 13 health and treatment projects in the areas covered by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, August 2023

During a one day visit of the H.E. Minister of Health to Sistan and Balouchestan Province on 10th of August 2023, a total 13 health and treatment projects with an infrastructure of 3 thousand 546 square meters and a credit amounting to 1230 billion Rials were launched in urban, rural and remote areas.


Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office

Published on: 10 August 2023


Dr. Habib Ghaznavi, Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences stated that Zahedan University of Medical Sciences has tried to play its effective and constructive role in improving the health of the people living in Sistan and Balouchestan Province and we have not spared any effort in this way.


During a one day visit of the H.E. Minister of Health to Sistan and Balouchestan Province on 10th of August 2023, a total 13 health and treatment projects with an infrastructure of 3 thousand 546 square meters and a credit amounting to 1230 billion Rials were launched in urban, rural and remote areas.


He continued: “The initiation of these health projects plays an important role in improving the quality of service, improving the access of the respected people of the province to services and reducing the medical trips to other provinces of the country”.


The Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences continued: "We witnessed the inaugural of one of the important projects today, the NICU Department of Ali Bin Abi Talib (PBUH) Hospital in Zahedan, with a capacity of 28 beds and the credit amount of 140 billion Rials, fortunately, we see that the development of the infrastructure of special departments for newborns in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences has grown significantly”.


 H.E. Minster of Health Dr. Bahram Einullahi, during his visit to the NICU department of Ali Bin Abi Talib Hospital in Zahedan said: “It is a pleasure to announce that Sistan and Balouchestan Provincehas succeeded in reducing neonatal mortality. The reduction of neonatal mortality has been achieved due to the development of health and treatment infrastructure, including the construction of maternity hospitals and neonatal intensive care units”.


In the past years, the neonatal mortality rate in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences was 15 per thousand live births, and now this rate has reached to 11.8 per thousand live births”.



The Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences highlighted the development of diagnostic infrastructure of the hospitals affiliated with ZAUMS and said: “A 160-Slice CT-Angio Scanner machine with a credit amounting to 460 billion Rials and Iranmehr Saravan Hospital's MRI machine with a credit of 440 billion Rials became operational during today’s inaugural event”.


Dr. Ghaznavi further mentioned the increase in the capacity of hospital beds in and said: “The Infectious Diseases Department of Ali bin Abi Talib (PBUH) Hospital with a capacity of 50 beds and a credit of 230 billion  Rials were among the projects opened today”.”


Among the other projects inaugurated during the visit of H.E. Minister of Health to Sistan and Balouchestan Province were 6 health houses in Jawantal Zahedan, Ismail Abad Zahedan, Zangian 2 Saravan, Nag Pahn Saravan, Shahr Kamal Sib and Suran and Gharib Abad Sib and Suran. More than 8 billion and 1360 million Rials have been spent to build and equip these six health houses


He also announced the opening of a comprehensive health service center and said: "The Chah Zard Health Service Center in Nosratabad, Zahedan, with a credit amounting to 60 billion Rials, was one of the other projects that was inaugurated by H.E. Minister of Health”.


Dr. Ghaznavi also pointed to the opening of a housing unit for specialists in Sib and Soran City and said: In order for doctors to last longer and for doctors to enjoy favorable living facilities, 2 residential units in Sarsoura and Kent of Sib and Suran district with an infrastructure of 200 square meters each and a credit amounting to 25 billion Rials were launched”.


Copyright © 2023  Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 10/08/2023

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on:  internationaloffice@zaums.ac.ir


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S.M. Tabatabaei

S.M. Tabatabaei



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