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The campaign to promote face mask as a lifesaver in times of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is now a major threat to global health. The incidence and deaths related to COVID 19 is mounting at an alarming rate in Iran and across the world. But this pandemic cannot be controlled by governments alone. It needs the participation of all the people to help reduce transmission.

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Vice Chancellery for Health
Published on: 18 November 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is now a major threat to global health. The incidence and deaths related to COVID 19 is mounting at an alarming rate in Iran and across the world. But this pandemic cannot be controlled by governments alone. It needs the participation of all the people to help reduce transmission.

COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact. All of us have droplets in coughs and sneezes that can carry COVID-19 to others. When you wear a mask, it adds an extra layer of protection between you and other people"s droplets.

Face masks have gone from being a recommended element to an obligatory one at public places in many of the countries ravaged by the pandemic. Use of face masks in public and collective transport has become mandatory throughout Iran. If the driver is alone in his/her car, he doesn"t have to use a mask. However, he/she does have to do so if there are one or more passengers.

In line with the Supporters of "Health Defenders" Campaign, with the participation of traffic police, The Red Crescent Society volunteers, Basij volunteer forces, and Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) affiliated with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, the occupants of vehicles without masks were provided with free face masks, and they received training to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease.

As part of this campaign, the occupants of vehicles that do not comply with health protocols to prevent COVID 19, will be alerted by the traffic police officers. The also will be provided free educational media and face masks by participating volunteers.

Community participation is essential in the collective response to COVID-19, from compliance with lockdown, to the steps that need to be taken as countries ease restrictions, to community support through volunteering. Previous community engagement experiences have shown that in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, community-based interventions is necessary. It also highlights the importance of community engagement approaches to support contextually specific, acceptable and appropriate COVID-19 prevention and control measures.

There is a need for frequent and open dialogue within community engagement activities; communities should be treated as active participants in, as opposed to passive recipients of, health response efforts.

Copyright © 2020 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 18/11/2020
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on: zu.healthdeputy@gmail.com

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