Nadjmi Foundation in collaboration with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences to Establish a Specialized Cleft Palate and Cleft Lip Clinic in Al-Zahra (SA) Sub-specialty Hospital, Zahedan, Iran
Nadjmi Foundation in samenwerking met Zahedan University of Medical Sciences om een gespecialiseerde kliniek voor gespleten gehemelte en gespleten lip op te richten in het Al-Zahra (SA) subspecialistische ziekenhuis, Zahedan, Iran

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office
Published on: 09 September 2023
Nadjmi Charity Foundation in collaboration with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences is planning to establish a specialized cleft palate and cleft lip clinic in Al-Zahra (SA) Sub-specialty Hospital.
Najmi Charity Foundation is an independent charitable foundation which has public interest status, with more than 20 year of charity work in Africa, India and south East Asia, and Iran. Its mission is to provide free-of-charge surgery services to children with cleft deformity (cleft lip and cleft palate) and to enhance local capacities via training local surgeons in providing pediatric surgery services and promoting clef care related research.
Dr. Nasser Nadjmi, is a subspecialist of the plastic and reconstructive burn surgery and Director of the team for Cleft and Craniofacial Anomalies at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, and founder of the Najmi Charity Foundation. In January 2000 he joined the Craniofacial Association in Antwerp, Belgium. In the same year he founded the Cleft team at the University Of Antwerp (UA). Since May 2010 he has become the coordinating program director for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery through the UA.
Dr. Habib Ghaznavi, the Chancellor of ZAUMS, following a meeting with the Director of the Nadjmi Charity Foundation, said: "It is planned to establish a sub-specialty clinic for providing quality care and rehabilitation of cleft palate and lip patient after the renovation and refurbishment of one of inpatient wards at Al-Zahra (SA) Subspecialty Hospital".
He continued: "The operation room of this building will also be renovated and equipped and will be dedicated to the treatment of patients with cleft palate and lip".
He added: Mr. Dr. Najmi is a renowned Iranian surgeon from living in Belgium and Mr. Dr. Roshan Zamir who is a famous Iranian subspecialist in cleft lip and palate surgery as well as the Otolaryngology Department of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, which houses the best agreed to further the cooperation in the treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate children in this hospital in a coherent way.
Referring to the advantages of Al-Zahra (SA) Subspecialty Hospital including the availability of specialized medical equipment for cochlear implantation and speech therapy and auditory training rooms, he said, "Since children with cleft lip and palate require various care and treatments services until the age of 18, a dental and orthodontic unit, as well as a psychological counselling unit, will also be established in this specialized clinic."
The chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences mentioned, "In the initial phase, patients from the Sistan and Balouchestan Province will be eligible to receive the services provided by this subspecialty clinic, and in the next phase, those services will become available to patients from neighbouring countries."
He added, "During a visit by the Secretary of Health Tourism, Iran’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Dr. Tarjoman to Al-Zahra (SA) Hospital in Zahedan two weeks ago, the conditions for admitting international patients were positively evaluated, and the International Patient Department Certificate for this hospital twill soon be issued by the Ministry of Health."
It should be noted that Dr. Nadjmi and his team has been providing free-of-charge cleft lip and palate surgeries at Ali Ibn Abitalib (PBUH) Hospital in Zahedan for more than 5 years.
Copyright © 2023 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, All rights reserved. Date updated: 09/09/2023
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