Grant writing webinar
Objectives of the webinar: • To use brainstorming tools to generate ideas and evidence; • To be able to draft a compelling and concise research proposal abstract and text; • To refine ideas and write for a less technical audience/reviewers; • To understand the requirements for each section of a research grant; • To write convincingly about research impact; • To be able to assess and mitigate risks; • To describe the proposal review process; • To effectively develop a collaborative research grant.

Speaker: Dr, Jamshed Hasnain (M.B.B.S)
Manager, Research Grants & Review Committee
Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Time: 9:00_11:00 AM (Tehran Time)
Venue: Chancellor Conference Hall, 5th floor, ZAUMS Main Campus Building
Webinar on grant writing
Concept note
Conducting research is vital for the development and career progression of university faculty members and students. However, writing research grants/publications is challenging, from conceptualization to writing the manuscript, getting it approved by the university research committees, winning grants from the funding agencies and publishing findings in a reputable journal. The current curriculum taught in several institutions does not adequately cover the topics related to the development of knowledge and skills required for research paper and grant writing. Given the large number of faculty members and students who need research writing skills for their professional growth, there is a dire need for organizing research training courses/workshops that include both theoretical as well as practical sessions. We, therefore propose to conduct a webinar that will provide training on subjects like, identifying good research topics, literature search, manuscript writing, selection of appropriate study design, plagiarism, ethical considerations in research and development of budget for research grants. The session will include interactive lectures and as well as tutorials. The proposed session will not only enhance the research writing skills of the faculty members and students but will also be helpful in developing research culture at the institution.
Objectives of the webinar:
• To use brainstorming tools to generate ideas and evidence;
• To be able to draft a compelling and concise research proposal abstract and text;
• To refine ideas and write for a less technical audience/reviewers;
• To understand the requirements for each section of a research grant;
• To write convincingly about research impact;
• To be able to assess and mitigate risks;
• To describe the proposal review process;
• To effectively develop a collaborative research grant.
Contents of the webinar:
Module 1: Introduction to research writing
• Why conduct research?
• Where do research ideas come from?
• What keeps us from writing research grants/papers?
• Writing tips
• Literature search
Module 2: Elements of a research grant
• How to write/develop:
- Title
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Methods
- Impact of the study
- Work plan
- Risk and mitigation section
- Budget
- Biosketch
- References
Module 3: Ethical aspects of research
• Institutional Review Board (IRB)
• Authorship
• Informed consent
• Consent vs. assent
• Plagiarism
• Incentives in research
• How to write the ‘Ethical Approval" section.
Teaching techniques will include:
• Interactive lectures;
• Tutorials: Teaching participants by discussing selected abstracts and research proposals/papers;
• Discussion on case studies;
• Learning through argumentation.
Facilitator"s profile:
Dr. Jamshed Hasnain
M.B.,B.S. (Karachi)
D.T.M & I.D. (Karachi)
M. Sc. Business Management (University of Wales, UK)
M. Sc. Medical Molecular Microbiology (University of East London, UK)
Research Development and Ethics Certificate course (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA)
Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases Certificate course (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Travel Medicine Certificate course (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Certificate Course in Clinical Psychology (Karachi Down Syndrome Program)
Dr. Hasnain is a medical doctor. He has also done two masters from U.K. He did his first masters in Business Management from University of Wales and the second one in Molecular Medical Microbiology from University of East London. He has also received training on Research Development and Ethics at the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA. Besides these he has also done courses related to epidemiology and travel medicine from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Currently he is working as Manager, Research Grants Review Committee at the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, the Aga Khan University (AKU). His responsibilities include conducting training sessions on grant writing, review of research proposals submitted by the University"s faculty members and students and development of policies and guidelines related to grants management.
He has published several papers both in local and international medical journals including a publication in BMJ (British Medical Journal) and has received a number of research grants. He also presented his research work at different local and international conferences.
Workshop files
Presentation slides
Science of Scientific Writing