In pictures: The National Health Week 2021 events organized by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
Chancellor and the Board of Executives of University offering floral tribute to the unknown martyrs buried at the university campus
The opening ceremony of the National Health Week 2021 was held in the presence of a group of university administrators at the Manzelab Rural Health House
Organizing a street Car Health Carnival to mark the inauguration of the National Health Week 2021
Holding a special educational webinar for the elderly
The head of Sib and Suran District Health Center addressing the gathering of the Friday Prayer worshipers of a rural area
Screening of more than 130 pregnant mothers on the outskirts of Zahedan by a volunteer health group
Continuation of training for Health Ambassadors and Community Health Volunteers
Setting up a Health Information Desk and training station in Ali Ibn Abitaleb (AS) Hospital in Zahedan
Health defenders appreciation by cultural and education activists and authorities
Providing services to people living in remote areas of Khash District by the volunteer medical teams of Khash Health Network
Implementing of a mental health screening project of university employees dubbed "Hello Colleague"
Setting up a Health Information Desk and training station at mosques