Zahedan University o Medical Sciences launches Vitamin A supplementation program to prevent COVID 19 infection in children 2-5 years of age
Children with vitamin A deficiency are at greater risk of contracting respiratory tract infections. Pre-existing vitamin A deficiency appears to worsen infection and increase the risk of mortality. Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to reduce the risk of death in 6–59 month old children by one third.

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Vice Chancellery for Health
Published on: 07 November 2020
Children with vitamin A deficiency are at greater risk of contracting respiratory tract infections. Pre-existing vitamin A deficiency appears to worsen infection and increase the risk of mortality. Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to reduce the risk of death in 6–59 month old children by one third.
Supplements of vitamins and micronutrients have been suggested to have the prophylaxis therapeutic potential in COVID-19 by ameliorating the inflammatory and oxidative stress associated with the disease and some direct antiviral effects,
Coronavirus has negative effects on the nutrition of vulnerable groups, especially children in ages under 5. Due to the important role of vitamin A in strengthening the immune system, prevention of respiratory diseases, Covid-19 and reducing child mortality, the World Health Organization recommends supplementation with vitamin A megadose supplement for 2 to 5 years children in deprived areas.
These supplements were provided by UNICEF and the Nutrition Department of the Ministry of Health. A total of 120,000 children aged 2-5 years receive a supplemental dose of 200,000 vitamin A capsules in the health centers of Zahedan Medical Sciences University. Also Health care providers give nutritional advices to parents about using of vitamin A-rich food stuff in the family diet.
Copyright © 2020 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 07/11/2020
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