The main objective of holding the scientific and research Congresses is to transform knowledge into technology
Commercializing and transforming knowledge into technology is our most important goal of holding scientific and research congresses. The chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences said: "It is necessary to direct scientific research on the application and resolution of health problems.
In pictures: The first provincial conference on "Pedestrian Safety" jointly held by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and the Provincial Traffic Police in Zahedan southeast of Iran
In pictures: The first provincial conference on "Pedestrian Safety" jointly held by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and the Provincial Traffic Police in Zahedan southeast of Iran
In pictures: The first provincial conference on "Pedestrian Safety" jointly held by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and the Provincial Traffic Police in Zahedan, I.R. of Iran
In pictures: The first provincial conference on "Pedestrian Safety" jointly held by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and the Provincial Traffic Police in Zahedan southeast of Iran
Virtual participation of Houston University professor at the 2nd International Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology
Dr. Radbad Darabi, a professor at the University of Houston, has been attended at the 2nd International Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology via video-conference-virtual connection.
Virtual participation of Houston University professor at the 2nd International Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology
Dr. Radbad Darabi, a professor at the University of Houston, has been attended at the 2nd International Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology via video-conference-virtual connection.
The 2nd International Congress and 23rd Iranian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology along with the presence of researchers, professors, faculty members and students of inside and outside of the country.
The 2nd International Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology of Iran began yesterday morning with the presence of professors, graduate and postgraduate students, faculty members and researchers of inside and outside of the country
The 2nd International Congress and 23rd Iranian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology along with the presence of researchers, professors, academics and students of inside and outside of the country.
The 2nd International Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology of Iran began yesterday morning with the presence of professors, graduate and postgraduate students, faculty members and researchers of inside and outside of the country
Health Library on Wheels: Public transportation buses delivering health messages in Zahedan, Southeast of Iran
Library on Wheels (LOW) is a unique bookmobile service, dedicated to serving our community in new and exciting ways. Even in the digital age, they are like a free access to the internet. They bring answers to questions people were looking for, and they bring entertainment (1). The first bookmobile in the world operated in Great Britain in the mid-19th century. Launched in 1857 by a philanthropist George Moore, the horse-drawn wagon served books from bookshelves mounted on the outside. This "perambulating" library traveled between eight villages in the Cumbria County, in North West England (2)
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) serving Arbaeen pilgrims from Pakistan
اربعین زیارت دنیا کا سب سے بڑا عوامی اجتماع ہے جو عراق کے مقدس شہر کربلا میں ہر سال منعقد ہوتا ہے۔ زندگی کے تمام لوگوں سے تعلق رکھنے والے کچھ زائرین پاکستان کے شہروں سے بذریعہ سڑک ایران کے شہر میرجاویہ میں ایران پاکستان سرحد کو عبور کرتے ہوئے کربلا کے مقدس شہر کا سفر کرتے ہیں۔
In Pictures: Dr. Raeisi, Deputy Minister for Health visits Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
Dr. Raeisi, Deputy for Health, Iran Ministry of Health Visiting Zahedan University of Medical Sciences