During coronavirus pandemic more than 6000 nomads in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan Province underwent coronvirus disease screening in three phases
Dr. Hashemi-Shahri Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in a meeting with the Director General of Sistan and Balouchestan Nomads Affairs stated that the nomads are a source of pride for our country and added that for the first time Nomads Health Houses have been planned and four nomads health homes will be set up in the district under Zahedan University of Medical Sciences coverage by the end of this year, so that more focused- services are rendered to the nomad population.

Report from: ZAUMS Public Relations & International Affairs Office
Published on: 20 October 2020
Dr. Hashemi-Shahri Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in a meeting with the Director General of Sistan and Balouchestan Nomads Affairs stated that the nomads are a source of pride for our country and added that for the first time Nomads Health Houses have been planned and four nomads health homes will be set up in the district under Zahedan University of Medical Sciences coverage by the end of this year, so that more focused- services are rendered to the nomad population.
Currently, the nomads of the province receive health services from neighboring health houses and all primary healthcare services are rendered to them routinely.
Dr. Hashemi said that during last year more than 30,000 health services have been rendered to the nomads in the province and we believe that the more we reach out to remote areas the more investment we have made in public health and in the future fewer hospital beds will be occupied.
Dr. Tabatabaei Vice Chancellor for Health stated that one of honors of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the establishment of Primary Healthcare Network for more than 40 years and the health system takes pride in rendering services to different walks of life and in the most remote areas of the country. He further added that all required standard for health homes were taken into consideration in setting up nomads health homes that account for approximately 8% of the province population. And our utmost effort is to serve our people in the most appropriate way.
Eng. Towghi, Director General of Nomads Affairs Department of the province acknowledged the valuable services of health sector rendered to the nomads despite dispersed population of nomads as a major impediment.
He noted that Covid 19 screening of nomads took place in three phases: implementation of pregnant mothers’ care in remote areas, vaccination and health related training, for which it necessary to thank everybodywho is involved.
Copyright © 2020 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date Updated: 20/10/2020.
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