In pictures: Commemoration of Behvarz (Rural Healthcare Worker) Day 2020 held at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
“Your work with patients and communities in hospitals, in- and out-patient clinics, and health centers are the very foundation not only of the health system but of the social compact of the whole society, particularly at these times of physical distancing and isolation. We salute also all Behvarz and Moragheb-e-Salamat (health workers at PHCs) who play such an important role as part of the community health workforce. We have the highest esteem and respect for your daily effort to overcome fear and anxiety among the community and the patients, and at the same time to deal with your own challenges and concerns for your families. We are here to support you, nurses and midwives and fellow health workers” said Dr. Christoph Hamelmann, the WHO Representative in the Islamic Republic of Iran in a joint video message with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MoHME).
