Renewal of the covenant of students, staff and faculty members of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences with the Holy Quran

According to the Public relations and international affairs of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences report, following the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden and Denmark; in an event that was held in the main campus mosque of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, the academic members, the staff and students renewed their covenant with the Holy Quran.
In this ceremony, that was started with the recitation of some verses of the holy Quran by a prominent Quran reciter from Sistan and Balouchestan Province, the participants of the event condemned the unwise and disrespectful act of desecration of the Holy Quran.
The Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences said that the protest against burning the Holy Quran is a protest against Ignorance and said: “Despite the clarity of the logic of the Quran, some people are unable to understand its deep teachings”.
Dr. Habib Ghaznavi continued: "Unfortunately, the way that some political and intellectual schools of thought have chosen to insult the Holy Quran based on their inability to understand the reality of the Holy Quran, and the recent insults against the word of Allah, the Almighty, is rooted in this Ignorance."
He continued: “Allah is the guardian and protector of his religion and words, and if the academics and the staff of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences have gathered here today, it is only a protest against the ignorance of those who have committed this heinous and anti-human act”.
In this ceremony, the statement of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences condemning the desecration of the Holy Quran was read by the Head of Shahid Firoozi’s Center for Quran and Itrat (i.e. Progeny of Holy Prophet) Affairs at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.
The statement is as follows:
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
The Holy Qur'an is a man-building book, a manifesto for increasing the knowledge of human society, and an eternal miracle of the last messenger of Allah, Muhammad AL Mustafa (PBUH), whose powerful and eloquent verses contain lofty teachings for the uplifting the human being from the lows of humiliation to the heights of humanity.
The Holy Quran, which is the epitome of the miracles by divine decree, is the most complete and perfect divine book, as it calls for challenge in many verses and invites everyone, as it says in verse 88 of Surat Isra:
“Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “If ˹all˺ humans and jinn were to come together to produce the equivalent of this Quran, they could not produce its equal, no matter how they supported each other.”
During the history that has passed since the revelation of this holy book, the beauty of its recitation and musical sounds have delighted everyone and given peace to the existence of its lover, where it says in verse 28 of Surat Al Raad:
“Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah, Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort”.
And this is its only pleasant sound, which if we add to it the hidden meaning in the themes of the verses, it adds to the splendor of this heavenly book.
Deciphering each of the verses of the Holy Quran produces a complete book in itself, which is one of the wonders and revelations of its teachings, that has prevailed from the time of the first revelations of the inspiring verses to the events of recitation and meetings organized for contemplation about this holy book. Always new and fresh mysteries from the heart of the verses of light emerge for the guidance of mankind drowned in the mire of self-deprecating corruption.
A version in which careful study of the beautiful stories and educational tips, the history of the past, social, literary, artistic, monotheistic, scientific issues, and especially the health content, are promoted by all.
Where the content-rich themes of guidance and healing are beautifully presented in the blessed verses of Surah Isra:
إنّ هـٰذا ٱلْقرْءان یهْدى للّتى هى أقْوم ویبشّر ٱلْمؤْمنین ٱلّذین یعْملون ٱلصّـٰلحـٰت أنّ لهمْ أجْرًۭا کبیرًۭا ٩
“Surely this Quran guides to what is most upright, and gives good news to the believers—who do good—that they will have a mighty reward.”
وننزّل من ٱلْقرْءان ما هو شفآءٌۭ ورحْمةٌۭ لّلْمؤْمنین ۙ ولا یزید ٱلظّـٰلمین إلّا خسارًۭا ٨٢
“We send down the Quran as a healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in loss.”
With all these wonders, those who do not understand the strength of the Islamic community and its holy book, and who are few, silly and crooked people have set insults and dishonor as an example in their work, thinking that they can extinguish the light of this sacred book. Can such a unique source of real light be burned and destroyed?
یریدون لیطْفـٔوا۟ نور ٱللّه بأفْوٰههمْ وٱللّه متمّ نورهۦ ولوْ کره ٱلْکـٰفرون ٨
"They wish to extinguish Allah’s light with their mouths, but Allah will ˹certainly˺ perfect His light, even to the dismay of the disbelievers".
Ignorant people committed this ugly act and they don't know that this book is not just a guide book for a specific society, nor a guidance and healing book for a single region or nation, but it will lead to the exaltation of everyone.
They should understand that this miracle was revealed by the Almighty God to the heart of His Prophet, and he himself assured its preservation:
إنّا نحْن نزّلْنا ٱلذّکْر وإنّا لهۥ لحـٰفظون ٩
"It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it".
The academic members, staff and students of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences emphasize the special attention to spread the culture of the Holy Quran, and declare their disgust for all those who committed the heinous act of desecration of the Holy Quran.
Public Relations and International Affairs of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences