The World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017 Campaign Materials


Posters 2017

Misuse of antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when you don't need them speeds up antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistant infections are more complex and harder to treat. They can affect anyone, of any age, in any country.


Think twice. Seek advice

Antibiotics aren't always the answer. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking antibiotics.


Our time with antibiotics is running out

Antibiotics are in danger of losing their effectiveness due to misuse and overuse, and in many cases they aren't even needed.

Misuse of antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when you don't need them speeds up antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistant infections are more complex and harder to treat. They can affect anyone, of any age, in any country.

Roll-up banner

Our time with antibiotics is running out. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking antibiotics.


Infographics 2017

Misusing and overusing antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when they are not needed accelerates emergence of antibiotic resistance, one of the biggest threats to global health.

Everyone has a role to play

You can help prevent antibiotic resistance. Preventing infection can reduce the use of antibiotics, and limit the spread of antibiotic resistance. Good basic hygiene is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of infection.


  • May 27 2024 - 01:21
  • - Number of Visits: 70
  • - Number of visitors: 61
  • Study Time : 2 minute(s)

The Second Meeting of the University Internationalization Council was held on May 21, 2024

The second meeting of the University Internationalization Council was held on April 21, 2024 with a focus on planning for new international students and health tourism. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Habib Ghaznavi, the university chancellor and attended by the relevant vice chancellors and directors.

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office

Published on: 27 May 2024


The second meeting of the University Internationalization Council was held on April 21, 2024 with a focus on planning for new international students and health tourism. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Habib Ghaznavi, the university chancellor and attended by the relevant vice chancellors and directors.


At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Tabatabaei, Advisor to the ZAUMS chancellor for international affairs, reviewed the agenda of the previous council meeting and the activities carried out in this regard. After the reports presented by the relevant vice chancellors and directors, the meeting discussed the existing challenges as well as the solutions and planning regarding the agenda items.


Following the discussion and review of the existing challenges, the following measures were decided to be pursued:

1. Determining the method of conducting the Persian language course for international students in collaboration with Sistan and Balouchestan University.

2. Preparation and publication of the “International Student Guide 2024” based on the finalized calendar and curriculum of the current semester for international students.

3. Planning for inauguration ceremonies for international students with the presence of senior provincial and national authorities.

4. Planning for the registration of new incoming students.

5. Preparation of complimentary gifts and cultural packages to be presented to newly enrolled students.

6. Planning for an induction session to inform international students on campus life and educational rules             and regulations.

7. Plan to organize campus tours and city tours of Zahedan in collaboration with student organizations (The Language and Culture of Nation’s Center and Tourism Center).

8. Signing a contract with the Islamic Azad University for accommodating international students

9. Allocate the ground floor hall of the library to the Medical School for renovation and preparation to be used as a class for international students.

10. Operational plan review of various university vice chancellors and provide feedback in the next Internationalization Council meeting, and submit the final operational program of each vice chancellery to the International Affairs Office.

11. Determine the admission capacity for international medical students in the next semester.

12. Planning for increasing the tuition fees for international students in the next semester.

13. Determine the admission capacity for international residency programs.

14. Nominating the members of the "International Student Admission" committee and issue the appointment letters.

15. Holding induction sessions for staff, students, and faculty members regarding the admission of international students.

16. Update the information about the academic programs of the schools on their English websites and include the relevant link for various international rankings.

17. Prepare an English version of the certificates of appreciation for faculty members, staff, and students with academic achievements.

18. Plan to expedite and boost the health tourism program by the facilitator companies under contract with the university.



Copyright © 2024 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 27/05/2024

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S.M. Tabatabaei

S.M. Tabatabaei


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