The World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017 Campaign Materials


Posters 2017

Misuse of antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when you don't need them speeds up antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistant infections are more complex and harder to treat. They can affect anyone, of any age, in any country.


Think twice. Seek advice

Antibiotics aren't always the answer. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking antibiotics.


Our time with antibiotics is running out

Antibiotics are in danger of losing their effectiveness due to misuse and overuse, and in many cases they aren't even needed.

Misuse of antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when you don't need them speeds up antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistant infections are more complex and harder to treat. They can affect anyone, of any age, in any country.

Roll-up banner

Our time with antibiotics is running out. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking antibiotics.


Infographics 2017

Misusing and overusing antibiotics puts us all at risk

Taking antibiotics when they are not needed accelerates emergence of antibiotic resistance, one of the biggest threats to global health.

Everyone has a role to play

You can help prevent antibiotic resistance. Preventing infection can reduce the use of antibiotics, and limit the spread of antibiotic resistance. Good basic hygiene is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of infection.


  • Feb 18 2025 - 21:58
  • - Number of Visits: 43
  • - Number of visitors: 41
  • Study Time : 2 minute(s)

Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Participating in the 18th International Health Tourism and Related Industries Exhibition in Tehran, Iran, February 2025

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office

Published on: February 18, 2025



The 18th edition of the Health Tourism and Related Industries Exhibition in Tehran was held from February 11 - 14, 2025, with the participation of 700 domestic and international companies at the Tehran International Exhibition Center, attracting around 30,000 visitors.

 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, which oversees 4 university affiliated hospital and 4 private hospitals and centers with IPD licenses, took part in the exhibition to showcase the university's healthcare services, capacities, and potential in the field of health tourism. The university's participation was well-received by the exhibition attendees.


According to the university's Public Relations report, Dr. Keikha, Head of the Treatment Supervision Department at ZAUMS, mentioned on the sidelines of the exhibition that due to the region's strategic geographical location, its proximity to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Oman, its cultural similarities to neighboring countries, as well as the advanced diagnostic and treatment equipment and skilled medical staff, this province is considered one of the main destinations for health tourism.


The Deputy Health Minister for Curative Affairs, during his visit to the booth of Sistan and Baluchestan, expressed appreciation for the performance of ZAUMS and addressed the challenges the province faces in health tourism, such as the lack of direct flights from countries like Oman, issues related to issuing medical visas, shortages of hotels and accommodation centers, and more. He requested that the university provide a comprehensive report on these issues and challenges to the Ministry of Health for further follow-up and efforts to resolve them.


It is worth mentioning that representatives from the UAE, Turkey, Tajikistan, Thailand, Madagascar, Brazil, Indonesia, Qatar, and Russia also participated with booths at the Tehran International Health Tourism Exhibition. Representatives from Oman and Afghanistan visited the ZAUMS booth, and with a positive outlook, they discussed the conditions and potential of the region and the province. They expressed interest in future bilateral cooperation in this field.


Copyright © 2025 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Last updated on: February 18, 2025.

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S.M. Tabatabaei

S.M. Tabatabaei



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