• Aug 17 2023 - 10:58
  • - Number of Visits: 253
  • - Number of visitors: 240
  • Study Time : 2 minute(s)

Al-Zahra Eye Hospital in Zahedan, south of Iran is a Center of Excellence in the field of ophthalmology and in the process of obtaining IPD certificate

Dr.Tarjoman, Secretary of Health Tourism, Irans’ Ministry of Health and Medical Education stated that Al-Zahra Eye Hospital, Zahedan in terms of both infrastructure and the necessary processes is completely prepared to provide medical services to international patients.



Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office

Published on: 17 August 2023



Dr.Tarjoman, Secretary of Health Tourism, Irans’ Ministry of Health and Medical Education stated that Al-Zahra Eye Hospital, Zahedan in terms of both infrastructure and the necessary processes is completely prepared to provide medical services to international patients.


He continued, "Our aims is to  while providing quality services to our compatriots and domestic patients, we also make those services to international patients who are in need of receiving those services".


"Fortunately, due to the efforts made at Al-Zahra Eye Hospital in Zahedan, it is evident that both in terms of physical environment preparation, inpatient rooms, and the necessary processes of admission and responding to the patient’s need, introducing the hospital, facilities, wards, and specialists in the virtual space, follow-up of patient treatment after discharge, and necessary predictions based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Health have been well implemented."


Mrs. Khorsandi, Hospital Manager, also pointed out that more than 5 thousand international patients have received services in this hospital so far; among them we had patients from UAE, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan. She stated, "One of the greatest advantages of this hospital is its experienced sub-specialties, trained staff, and state-of-the-art and advanced equipment."

"The hospital's Excimer Laser ward, for instance has been equipped with the latest version of the vision correction device installed used for performing PRK procedure. This hospital has received considerable attention from Iranian patients from across the country including patients from Khorasan Razavi, South Khorasan, Kerman, and Hormozgan provinces".  Mrs. Khorsandi mentioned, “Renowned sub-specialists such as Dr. Hossein Ali Shahriari, Dr. Alireza Maleki, Dr. Mohammad Arish, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Validad, and Dr. Meysam Sargazi are providing treatment to patients at this hospital, and this has caused patients from all over the country to choose treatment in this hospital.”


She also pointed to the performance of two sub-specialized operations of cornea transplant and cochlear implantation in this hospital and said:  "In addition to the advanced equipment available at this hospital, the expertise of the surgeon is the key factor that candidates for these surgeries should consider”.


During this visit, Mrs. Danayee, Health Tourism Expert, MoH, Dr.Zahra Keikha, Head of the Department of Medical Supervision, Dr.Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Advisor to ZAUMS Chancellor for International Affairs, Mrs. Kashtgar, Health Tourism Expert at ZAUMS and Mrs. Jabbari, International Affairs Expert at ZAUMS, and several officials from Al-Zahra Eye Hospital, Zahedan were present.



Copyright © 2023, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, All rights reserved. Date updated: 17/09/2023

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on:  internationaloffice@zaums.ac.ir

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S.M. Tabatabaei

S.M. Tabatabaei



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