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Commencement of vaccination of Covid-19 for Solid Waste Management Workers in Zahedan, Iran

The director of Disease Prevention and Control Department of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences announced the beginning of inoculation of Covid-19 vaccine for sanitation workers of Zahedan.

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Vice Chancellery for Health
Published on: 14 April 2021

Solid waste management workers are another category of workers who have been putting their bodies on the line to combat Covid-19. The pandemic has increased the amount of hazardous and highly contaminated biomedical waste exponentially. Iran"s waste workers have had to collect, sort and dispose of this waste with vastly inadequate protective gear.


The director of Disease Prevention and Control Department of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences announced the beginning of inoculation of Covid-19 vaccine for sanitation workers of Zahedan.


 According to the public relations report - Dr. Majid Sartipi, Director of Disease Prevention and Control Department of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, in an interview with an IRIB reporter, said: "The sanitation workers received the first dose of Sinopharm vaccine.


Noting that these people will receive the second dose of the vaccine 28 days later, he added: "Sinopharm vaccine is being injected not only for street sweepers, but also for healthcare workers, and fortunately no serious side effects of this vaccine have been reported so far."


The Director of Disease Prevention and Control of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences emphasized: People who receive Covid-19 vaccine should also fully comply with health instructions such as using a mask, washing hands, observing social distancing.

He added: "All people who have received the Covid 19 vaccine, in case of any side effects of the vaccine, can report the cases by calling 190 or by visiting the nearest comprehensive health service center, so that if necessary, follow-ups and medical interventions can be performed."


The Beijing Institute of Biological Products created an inactivated coronavirus vaccine that was put into clinical trials by the state-owned Chinese company Sinopharm. On Dec. 30, Sinopharm announced that the vaccine had an efficacy of 79.34 percent, leading the Chinese government to give its approval.

It is worth mentioning that today 20 sanitation workers of Zahedan city were vaccinated against Covid-19 disease and in the past few days a number of sanitation workers of Khash, Mirjaveh, Sib and Suran and Saravan cities also received Covid-19 vaccine.


Copyright © 2021 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 14/04/2021
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on: zu.healthdeputy@gmail.com





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