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Emergency midwifery care services provided to Pakistani Arbaeen pregnant women pilgrims at Mirjaveh-Pakistan border, immediate dispatch of 3 pregnant women to hospital

پاکستانی اربعین حاملہ خواتین کو میرجاوہ پاکستان بارڈر پر ایمرجنسی مڈوائفری کیئر سروسز فراہم کی گئیں، 3 حاملہ خواتین کو فوری طور پر ہسپتال بھیج دیا گیا

Report from: ZAUMS  Arbaeen Health & Treatment Committee
Published on:  21 October 2019


Pakistan is one country that had made some progress, but has failed to achieve its MDG-5 target of reducing the maternal mortality rate (1).  Due to some challenges in maternity services such as inadequate maternal care, too few skilled birth attendants, insufficient competent midwives, ineffective and unaffordable basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric services in Pakistan (2), it was necessary to plan in advance to provide emergency midwifery care services for pregnant women arriving from  Pakistan during the Arbaeen pilgrimage.


Midwifery units were set up within the Arbaeen Health Mowkib to provide midwifery care services to Pakistani pregnant women at Mirjaveh border Terminal. A total of 18 midwives were deployed to this unit to offer round- the-clock services, should the women need them.

The midwifery services included: gynecological and midwifery examinations, family planning, fetal heart rate monitoring (NST), maternal ECG. Temporary hospitalization of patients before referral to the hospitals was also provided.

In order to facilitate the follow up of the pregnant women with obstetric and/or gynecological complications during their trip, if needed, the medical universities on the route of departure were informed of the status of the identified patients. So, they could get prepared for performing the necessary medical intervention if needed.


A summary of the midwifery services provided to the Pakistani pilgrims include:

1. Antenatal care for pregnant women: 29

2. Pregnant women referred to specialized hospitals: 3

3. Providing vitamin supplements for pregnant women: 29

4. Vaginal examination and screening for STIs: 40

5 Distribution of oral contraceptives and related training materials:  167

6. Procurement of formula for children: 15

7. Providing vitamin supplements for children: 15

8. Women"s Injections: 768

9 . Blood pressure checks: 1541

10. Distribution of sanitary pads:  100 packs



Copyright © 2019 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 10/21/2019.
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on: zu.healthdeputy@gmail.com



1. Mumtaz Z, Levay AV, Bhatti A. Successful Community Midwives in Pakistan: An Asset-Based Approach. PLoS One. 2015;10(9):e0135302.

2. Jan R, Mohammed YJ, McIntyre H. Implementing midwifery led care in Pakistan. Pract Midwife. 2011;14(6):32-4.

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