• Sep 17 2018 - 12:22
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Hope for Infertile Couples

Mowlood infertility treatment center; Couple’s house of hope in Sistan and Baluchestanand compiling dossiers for 1700 infertile couples

Hope for Infertile Couples

Mowlood infertility treatment center; Couple"s house of hope in Sistan and Baluchestanand compiling dossiers for 1700 infertile couples

Latest developments in health and treatment sector of Sistan and Baluchestan

Mowlood infertility treatment center of Zahedan, as the first infertility center in the province, was highly welcomed by infertile couples. According to the Public Relations Office - Dr. Marzieh Ghasemi head of Infertility Center of Ali Ibn-e Abitaleb Hospital said: "Mowlood is a young center, thank to companionship and trust of fellow citizens in the province it has had a worthy of mentioning performance in a way that treatment with IUI and IVF in accordance with national and international standards resulted in fertility and the overall outcome is satisfactory."

On IUI treatment method she added: in women with ovulation disorders and men with moderate or mild infertility, Ovule and sperm production is strengthened through medication treatment. Then in appropriate time, the processed sperm is transferred to the womb. Dr. Ghasemi further added that in IVF method, ovum pick-up is conducted through outpatient surgery and fecundation takes place in the laboratory and embryo is transferred to the mother. Referring to treatment through IVF and IUI methods for couples with no children, she said that Health Revolution Plan offers a package for infertile couples and the package is 85 percent cheaper than that for others. And the cost for those who are not entitled to the package is remarkably low as compared to those who travel to other provinces and countries seeking the same treatment. 

Referring to monthly visit of 1000 cases by infertility subspecialist and urology specialist, she added that laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are also conducted in this center. Dr. Ghasemi specified that laparoscopy and hysteroscopy devices are highly advanced.

Head of Infertility Center of Imam Ali (S) Hospital said the number of successful cases of fertility in this center is increasing day by day. "We make attempts towards increasing the number of successful fertility cases and specialists; and gaining access to cutting edge technology so that this center turns into a main axis of infertility in the Southeast of the country. And we spare no effortsto inspire hope and create zeal for treatment of infertile couples."

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