The inauguration Ceremony and welcome reception of the academic year 2024 of the first group of international students at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences was held on August 14, 2024
زاہدان یونیورسٹی آف میڈیکل سائنسز میں بین الاقوامی طلباء کے پہلے گروپ کے تعلیمی سال 2024 کی افتتاحی تقریب اور استقبالیہ تقریب 14 اگست 2024 کو منعقد ہوئی۔

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office
Published on: August 15, 2024
According to the public relations report, Mr. Reza Sharifi, Deputy Governor General for Political and Social Affairs, Sistan and Balouchestan Province, in the inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2024/2025 for the first international students of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, said: “More than one hundred thousand students are studying in various fields in the universities of the province and there are 1,500 faculty members in the universities of the province”.
He said: Universities of the province should provide the basis for accepting students from neighboring countries with proper capacity building.
Mr. Sharifi added: “In addition to academic and educational capacities in this province, we have unique capacities in various areas of the sea, fisheries, borders and cultural and historical commonalities with our friend and brother country of Pakistan”.
He acknowledged the province’s capacities in various fields such as economy, agriculture, mining, and the Makran coast. He stated that the greatest capacity of the province lies in its talented and elite individuals.
He emphasized on the development of all-round relations with the neighboring countries and added: “We must provide the necessary conditions for the universities of the province to form joint scientific working groups to establish relations with the neighboring countries”.
He mentioned that one of the management concerns of the province is boosting the capacity to admit international students in various common fields. He expressed hope that a joint scientific working group, chaired by Dr. Ghaznavi, would make significant steps toward expanding scientific relations with other countries. He also recognized the presence of people with the Baloch ethnic background across Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of African countries, highlighting their cultural and historical connections, especially with Pakistan, as a main opportunity for various collaborations.
Dr. Ghaznavi, Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, while introducing the university capacities and achievements, said: “Almost 38 years have passed since the establishment of the university, and currently more than 400 members of the academic staff, who are among the best professors in the country in various clinical fields and basic sciences, are engaged in their scientific activities at this point of the Islamic homeland”.
He continued: “This university has 6 faculties and more than 4,600 students are studying at bachelor's, master's and PhD, specialty and subspecialty levels”.
Pointing out that 11 research centers are conducting research activities in this university, he added: “National and international professors and researchers as well as scientists from other parts of the world cooperate with this university”.
Dr. Ghaznavi added: “3 hospitals affiliated with this university have been granted international Patients (IPD) certificates and Al-Zahra subspecialty Hospital is among the most modern ophthalmology centers in the eastern Mediterranean region”.
He highlighted the university's capabilities regarding the number of faculty members, faculties, research centers, and hospitals authorized for IPD. He also emphasized that the graduates of this university work as faculty members across the country and even abroad. Dr. Shahriari, the top ophthalmologist in Iran, was introduced as one of the prides of province who currently serves as the head of the Health and Medical Treatment Commission of the Parliament.
Dr. Ghaznavi also conveyed his warm congratulations to audience and the respected people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the occasion of August 14, the I.R. of Pakistan Independence Day.
August 14, 2024 |
Time |
Program |
Venue |
19:30-19:40 |
Holy Quran recitation & national anthem قرآن و سرود ملی |
Al-Zahra (SA) Subspecialty Hospital Conference Hall |
19:40-20:00 |
Welcome Speech & introduction of Zahedan University achievements Dr. Habib Ghaznavi, Chancellor, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences) سخنرانی آقای دکتر غزنوی در زمینه ظرفیت های علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی زاهدان |
20:00-20:20 |
A brief introduction of Sistan & Balouchestan Province Deputy Governer Genral of Sistan & balouchestan سخنرانی جناب آقای شریفی معاون محترم سیاسی و اجتماعی استاندار سیستان و بلوچستان در خصوص ظرفیت های علمی فرهنگی استان سیستان و بلوچستان |
20:20-20:40 |
Islamic Republic Pakistan & Islamic Repubic of Iran frienly scientific & cultural ties Mr. Muhammad Siddique, Counsol of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Zahedan سخنرانی جناب آقای محمدصدیق، کنسول محترم پاکستان در زاهدان در زمینه توسعه همکاریهلی علمی و فرهنگی جمهوری اسلامی پاکستان و جههوری اسلامی ایران
20:40-20:50 |
Sistan & Balouchestan province Videoclip Internatioanl Affairs Office ویدیوکلیپ معرفی استان به زبان انگلیسی |
20:50-21:00 |
Al-Zahra (AS) Subspecialty Hospital The Center of Excellence in Ophtalmology Dr. Mohammad Arish, subspecialist in neuro-ophthalmology & glaucoma fellowship) سخنرانی آقای دکتر اریش در زمینه معرفی ظرفیت های بیمارستان فوق تخصصی الزهرا (س) به عنوان قطب چشم پزشکی |
21:00-21:20 |
I Chose This university Because… Internation Students Representative ارایه مطلب توسط دو نفر از دانشجویان بین الملل پذیرفته شده |
22:20-21:30 |
Group Photo & Welcome Dinner عکس گروهی و ضیافت شام |
Subsequently, Mr. Muhammad Siddique, the Consul General of Pakistan in Zahedan, commemorated August 14 as Pakistan's Independence Day and delivered a speech on the development of scientific and cultural cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. He emphasized that Iran and Pakistan, in addition to sharing a common border, have a shared history and culture, which serves as a foundation for the two countries' mutual support in achieving peace and progress.
He continued: “An increase in scientific cooperation between I.R. of Iran and I.R. of Pakistan in will lead to greater understanding between these two countries”.
Dr. Mohammad Arish, subspecialist in neuro-ophthalmology & glaucoma fellowship addressed the gathering on Al-Zahra (AS) Subspecialty Hospital the Center of Excellence in Ophthalmology.
Two international students also gave speeches on their views and expectations regarding studying medicine at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.
The two international students shared their concerns upon arriving in the province and university as a new environment, noting that these worries were alleviated by the warm reception from the people, staff, and professors of the university. They also acknowledged August 14 as an important day for the people of Pakistan, attributing its significance to the sacrifices made by the people, especially the mothers of that land.
In conclusion, cultural gifts were presented to the international students by vice chancellor for Cultural and Student Affairs, and the ceremony ended with a group photo followed by a welcome dinner.
It is worth mentioning that the inauguration ceremony of the academic year of the first group of international students of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences was held with the presence of the Deputy Governor General for Political and Social Affairs, Sistan and Balouchestan Province, the Chancellor and the board of executives of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, the consul of I.R. of Pakistan in Zahedan, Mr. Shennavayee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Representative in Sistan and Balouchestan Province and a group of university managers and local authorities.
Copyright © 2024 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 15/07/2024
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