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The results of Pakistani Arbaeen pilgrims Health & Treatment Services Satisfaction Survey 2019

پاکستانی اربعین حجاج کی صحت اور علاج کی خدمات اطمینان بخش سروے 2019 کے نتائج

Report from: ZAUMS Arbaeen Health & Treatment Committee
Published on: 20 October 2019

In order to obtain valuable feedback from our respected Arbaeen pilgrims from Pakistan, we set up survey stations both in Mirjaveh Border terminal and in Imam Reza (AS) Guesthouse in Zahedan. A self-administered questionnaire was developed to assess the Arbaeen pilgrims" satisfaction with the services provided by Health Mowkibs set up in those locations. The questionnaire included 10 multiple choices questions and also it asked the clients on further comments.

The Satisfaction Survey Questions:

1. How do you evaluate your access to healthcare staff?
2. How do you evaluate the behavior and treatment of health care workers?
3. How do you estimate the waiting time for services?
4. How do you rate staff communication in Urdu and English languages?
5. How do you evaluate education and information sharing on health topics?
6. How was your satisfaction with the place of health & curative service?
7. How was the cleanliness of the Health service area?
8. How was the attention of health workers to your statements?
9. How satisfied were you with the medical doctor"s visit?
10. How do you evaluate access to the medications you needed?

Click here to download the Satisfaction Survey Form in Urdu

The Satisfaction Survey results:

A total of 607 pilgrims participated in the survey, including 413 pilgrims in Mirjaveh Border terminal and 194 in Imam Reza (AS) Guesthouse. The results of the survey have been presented in Figure 1&2. 


Figure 1- The results of Pakistani Arbaeen pilgrims Satisfaction Survey, Mirjaveh Border Terminal,Iran, 2019 (n=413)

Figure 2- The results of Pakistani Arbaeen pilgrims Satisfaction Survey 2019, Imam Reza (AS) Guesthouse in Zahedan, Iran, 2019 (n=194)


Additional comments from pilgrims: The areas that need to improve upon include:

  •       Recruiting more translators
  •       Increasing the number of showers and restrooms
  •       Planning for a greater temporary rest area for women in Mirjaveh
  •       Proposing to Pakistan Government to establish similar Mowkibs to serve Arbaeen pilgrims



Copyright © 2019 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 10/20/2019.
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on: zu.healthdeputy@gmail.com


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