• Jun 16 2019 - 13:35
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Zahedan University of Medical Science (ZAUMS) Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (DMRR) Team convenes the first health committee in 2019

Zahedan University of Medical Science (ZAUMS) Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (DMRR) Team convenes the first health committee in 2019

Flash floods in Iran have killed several people and injured hundreds more after days of torrential rain caused rivers to overflow in various parts of the country. This meeting was set up to review preparedness and response measures and to provide quick and effective response to recent flood events, if needed.

In this meeting, Dr. Tabatabaei , the Vice Chancellor for Health, ZAUMS explaining the goals of the meeting and expressing sympathy with the people who have suffered in different provinces of the country, emphasized on the necessity of the full readiness of the operational teams according to the Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) of the Vice Chancellery for Health.

The Vice Chancellor for Health also emphasized that, in light of this year"s motto of the World Health Day (i.e. Universal Health Coverage) and the need to address the goals of this slogan in reducing the risk of natural and man-made disasters, all areas of management and specialized groups are mandated to re-visit their relevant EOPs.

It was decided that this year"s interventions will be toward the training and practicing readiness and specific response functions during the act. In the course of the discussion, the teams were asked to maintain the necessary equipment and facilities as it has been stipulated in the relevant guidelines and protocols.
It is worthwhile mentioning that the cities of Zahedan, Khash and Saravan each have prepared three operational teams ready and the cities of Mirjaveh and Sib Souran, each have two teams for rapid response to potential disasters.


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  • News Code : 21365


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