A great international achievement: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences entered ISC World University Rankings in 2020
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS) joined the rank of Iranian Universities which are members of ISC World Ranking System. Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences stated that in 2019 only 12 top Iranian Medical Universities were in ISC World University Rankings. Fortunately, based on ISC World University Rankings 2020, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences ranked 13th among all medical university in the country.

Report from: ZAUMS Public Relations & International Affairs Office
Published on: 26 January 2021
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS) joined the rank of Iranian Universities which are members of ISC World University Rankings. Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences stated that in 2019 only 12 top Iranian Medical Universities were in ISC World University Rankings. Fortunately, based on ISC World University Rankings 2020, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences ranked 13th among all medical university in the country.
Congratulating the faculty members and staff of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences on this success, Dr. Hashemi-Shahri said: "The fact that there are 2500 universities and institutes of higher education in our country highlights the importance of this success and in 2019 only 43 Iranian higher education institutes including engineering and medical universities were in ISC World University Rankings. Dr. Hashemi-Shahri further added that fortunately in 2020 three more universities were included in the top ranking universities and luckily Zahedan University of Medical Sciences is one of these universities."
On the number of universities evaluated in ISC World University Rankings, Dr. Hashemi noted that the U.S.A. with 312 universities has the highest number of universities in the ranking, and China with 311, Japan with 117, England with 99, India with 98, France with 79, Turkey with 77, Germany with 71, Italy with 65, Brazil with 63, South Korea with 62, Spain with 55, and Poland with 47 universities are next on the list.
There are 786 Asian universities in ISC World university rankings. Tsinghua University from China and University of Tokyo from Japan, Peking University from China, Sungkyunkwan University from South Korea, National University of Singapore from Singapore, Kyoto University from Japan, Seoul National University from South Korea, Nanyang Technological University from Singapore, Zhejiang University from China, and National Taiwan University from Taiwan ranked first to tenth in Asia respectively.
Dr. Hashemi referred to the place of Islamic Republic of Iran in the rankings and said that Islamic Republic of Iran with 46 universities ranked 14th and surpassed countries such as Canada and Russia with 43 and 42 universities, respectively. Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences described the setting up of a shared data base on detailed scientific and Research information of member states" universities, planning feasibility study and creating a road map to materialize goals at national and international levels as the most important accomplishments of membership of the University in this ranking system.
On the criteria of evaluation and selection in the world ranking, Dr. Hashemi further stated that the IS of all universities of the world has been evaluated in terms of their mission regarding research, education, innovation, and international activities.
Dr. Hashemi thanked all colleagues, and students who contributed to this success and hoped for continuation of upward trend in research, education, technology, and internationalization as well as maintenance of the rank, repetition of these successes, and promotion to higher ranks.
Referring to research indexes and variables as an important criteria in ISC rankings, Dr. Nour Mohammad Bakhshani, Deputy Chancellor for Research and Technology, also thanked all members of academic staff and employees of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and noted that criteria influencing selection and ranking include: research volume, citation counts for articles, normalized citation impact, global impact factor, the number of highly cited faculty members, , students - teacher ratio, the number of articles in top journals, the collaboration of the University in publishing articles internationally, reputation level of the University, discredited articles, the number of patents, and the percentage of co-publishing with industry.
He further added that faculty members" publishing article in high impact factor journals, membership of a faculty member in top 1 % scientists of the world, collaboration of the University"s research centers with Iranian and international researchers, inter-institutional activities of Zahedan Health Studies Center (Zahedan Cohort Study Center) and activities of faculty members at international level are some other factors contributed to the promotion of the University and moving it into the global ranking.
It should be noted that as stated before 46 Iranian universities are in ISC World University Rankings including: 13 medical universities, 9 universities of technology, and 24 comprehensive universities of applied science and technology.
Copyright © 2021 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 26/01/2021
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