An researcher from Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Received Gold Medal Certificate at International Invention and Innovation Competition for IFIA INV Members, Switzerland, August 2022
Dr. Rouhi Afkari, Director of Department of Research and Development at Vice-chancellery for Food and Drug, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, was awarded a gold certificate at the Second International Competition for Inventors and Innovators organized by International Federation of Inventors Association (IFIA), Switzerland.

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office
Published on: 26 September 2022
Dr. Rouhi Afkari, Director of Department of Research and Development at Vice-chancellery for Food and Drug, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, was awarded a gold certificate at the Second International Competition for Inventors and Innovators organized by International Federation of Inventors Association (IFIA), Switzerland.
The Director of Health Technology Incubation Center at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences said: In this festival, which was held especially for the members of the Federation of Inventors Association (IFIA), Dr. Rouhi Afkari, as an the inventor member of IFIA from Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, presented an innovation of the first ever combined drug with the formulation of probiotic bacteria and herbal extract that could be used for breaking down and excretion of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
Dr. Ruhi Afkari"s plan was able to win the gold certificate of the Second International Competition for Inventors and Innovators due to innovation in the medical and pharmaceutical sector. The part of the initial information of this innovation was published as a paper in the International Brazilian Joural of Urology, 2019 Nov-Dec;45(6):1249-1259. doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.0167. entitled "Simultaneous use of oxalate-degrading bacteria and herbal extract to reduce the urinary oxalate in a rat model: A new strategy"
This recombinant drug has successfully passed early laboratory and animal phases of trial, and it is hoped that it will be used as a new method in the treatment of kidney stones after completing the human phase of study.
It should be noted that this festival was held virtually from 10 to 12 August 2022 in Switzerland with the presence of more than 740 inventors from 32 countries, including the USA, Canada, Australia, Morocco, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Qatar, Bahrain, the UK, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Lebanon, and Poland.
Copyright © 2022 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 26/09/2022
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