The absent parent syndrome and its impact on child development
The absent parent syndrome refers to parents who are not present during their children’s childhood, which has consequences on the child’s development.

ZAUMS Life Hacks series: The absent parent syndrome and its impact on child development
The absent parent syndrome refers to parents who are not present during their children’s childhood, which has consequences on the child’s development. This situation may be due to several causes. “Long working hours, a job transfer, a separation, a complicated divorce or death. However, the absence of the father or mother is not always due to [physical] reasons; it is often an emotional absence,” describes Iosune Mendia, a child and adolescent psychologist. This type of situation influences the child in different ways. “The lack of affection has a direct impact on their emotional, physical and mental development, and in all cases, there is a feeling of abandonment,” adds the expert. Read More