World Health Organization Representative in Iran, Dr. Sameen Siddiqi, visiting Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, September 2017
Dr. Sameen Siddiqi, World Health Organization Representative in Iran, visited Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS) on 23rd and 24th September 2017.

WHO Representative in Iran, Dr. Sameen Siddiqi, visiting Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, September 2017
Dr. Sameen Siddiqi, World Health Organization Representative in Iran, visited Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS) on 23rd and 24th September 2017.
23 September 2017- Briefing session & meeting with Members of Executive Board of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
The members of the executive board of ZAUMS participated in this meeting. Dr. Khajeh, Vice Chancellor for treatment, welcomed Dr. Siddiqi, on behalf of the Chancellor of ZAUMSand presented a brief report on health system reform in ZAUMS.Dr. Khalili, Vice Chancellor for Education,discussed the educational capacities &internationalization of medical sciences education in ZAUMS.
Dr. Sameen Siddiqi appreciated the significant achievements in the "Health System Reform Plan" in Iran, and he mentioned that during his visit, the areas for future cooperation that may help ZAUMS to improve the quality of the services will be explored. This will take place through prioritizing the health issues in the province and using the technical support and collaboration from national and international agencies, especially World Health Organization.
23 September 2017- Field visit to Hazrat Fatemeh (AS) Comprehensive Health Center, Health Post & Delivery Facility, and Boo-Ali Drop-in Center in Zahedan suburbs
Visiting the centers of comprehensive health services and maternity facility of HazratFatemeh (AS) located in suburban areas of Zahedan, he appreciated the efforts made to provide modern PHC services, establishment of electronic health profiles, recruitment of Community Health Volunteers (CHVs), reducing the number of unsafe deliveries, and communicable diseases surveillance, especially tuberculosis.
Boo-Ali drop-in center in Zahedan, which is run by private sector, providing sterile devices to injecting drug users and opium substitution therapies, offer therapies and psychosocial support and facilitates self-help groups. The center has been providing free HIV/AIDS prevention services for drug users.Dr. Siddiqi appreciatedthesignificant steps taken to help drug users, and he mentioned there is a need for the Ministry of Health to provide enough funding to guarantee quality services for people in need of harm reduction services.
23 September 2017- Meeting Dr. Tabatabaei, the Vice Chancellor for Public Health, Public Health Professionals, and Members of Academic staff
Dr. Tabatabaei, Vice Chancellor for Health, in his presentation discussed subjects including: an introduction to Primary Health Care and Health System Reform in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, the major Challenges to the province Public Health, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences PHC network, Health System Reform and it"s achievements in the province, development of electronic Health Profile, community participation and Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in PHC, the University of the Third Age (U3A): a great initiative for late-life learning, harm reduction and substance abuse program, and emerging & re-emerging infectious diseases in Sistan & Balouchestan province, progress and challenges. He specifically emphasized on strengthening the capacity of the ZAUMS diagnostic & PHC laboratory network through establishment of lab infrastructure in collaboration with Pasture Institute, Iran and WHO. Also developing a mechanism for the emerging and Re-Emerging diseases information exchange between Islamic Republic of Iran and neighboring countries. And improving theentomological surveillance infrastructure, (i.e. establishment of insectariums)andempowering vector control human resources through workshops, seminars, short & long term training courses.
Representative of WHO is his speech in the meeting discussed the practical solutions for providing technical support for development of an applicable package of essential PHC services for the scattered and mobile population and defining priorities of health system in S&B province. Reviewing the Community Health Volunteers program and offering technical support for enhancement of the University of Third Age Initiative, and technical support for improving the infectious diseases control, surveillance, diagnosis and treatment, with a focus on prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging infectious disease were discussed.
23 September 2017- Meetingwith academic members of Nutrition Department
The status of malnutrition among Sistan& Balouchestan province population with a focus on micronutrient deficiency and food insecurity in ZAUMS was discussed. The participants emphasized on a need for technical support from international agencies including WHO for development of a comprehensive integrated program to address malnutrition, food insecurity, micronutrient deficiency and obesity in the province.
23 September 2017- Visiting Edalat Outpatient Clinic
During his visit to the Edalat specialty and subspecialty Clinic in Zahedan City, Dr. Sameen Siddiqi appreciated the quality of services provided as part of the Health System Reform plan, in terms of the availability and accessibility of outpatient services. He emphasized on the necessity of linking those services to the primary health care services and re-designing and strengthening the referral system in offering curative care services.
24 September 2017- Visiting Health Promotion Research Center & Zahedan Cohort Study
24 September 2017- Meeting Dr. Bakhshani, Vice Chancellor for Research & Directors of Research Centers affiliated with the ZAUMS
WHO representative in a meeting with the vicechancellor for research and information technology and heads of researchcenters affiliated with ZAUMS, reviewed the university research achievements and priorities based on need assessment and international and regional collaboration and networking. Dr. Siddiqi proposed to develop mechanisms to facilitate technical support of ZUMS on strengthening technical capacity of neighboring countries on applicable researches.
24 September 2017-Debriefing and Wrap up session, ZAUMS Chancellor Office
Dr. Miri, the chancellor of ZAUMS in this meeting mentioned that "health services doesnot recognize any borders, and given the fact that we have a long common border with neighboring countries we are ready for collaboration in preventing infectious diseases." He continued: "After the implementing of the Health System Reform Plan, a total of 10 new hospitals has been established in the districts affiliated with ZAUMS, 3 of which are in the border areas."Chancellor of university added: "The health system of the province have had many achievements with the help ofhealth professionals, to mention one is a significant reduction in the incidence and mortality of communicable diseases in the province."
Dr. Sameen Siddiqi appreciated the efforts of H.E. Minister of Health. Dr. Hashemi and Ministry of Health and Medical Education for implementing the “Health System Reform Plan”, and significant improvement of health infrastructure across the country. He put emphasis on the importance of addressing public health issues such as malnutrition and food insecurity, drug addiction, mental health and communicable diseases control. Representative of WHO noted that quality of research at ZAUMS was very favorable and certainly the results of these research activities will lead to the promotion of health indicators in the province and neighboring countries.
At the end, the following issues were agreed upon for follow up and planning:
1. Technical and financial support for health system assessment using Essential Public Health Function tools in ZUMS
2. Review and document of the Community Health Volunteers program
3. Technical support for strengthening the capacity of the ZUMS diagnostic laboratory network in collaboration with Pasture Institute, CCD/MoH through providing diagnosis services for rabies, CCHF, Dengue Fever and other reemerging VBD and establishment of QA system
4. Facilitating information exchange on the Emerging and Re-Emerging diseases between Islamic Republic of Iran and neighboring countries through G5 platform
5. Review of harm reduction and substance abuse program and technical support for establishment of a comprehensive and sustainable response strategy on substance abuse and harm reduction in collaboration with UNODS, UNDP, UNICEF
6. Advocacy for addressing the provincial problems on nutrition, substance abuse and mental health
7. Technical support for development of a comprehensive integrated program to address malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency and obesity
8. Facilitating technical support of ZUMS on strengthening technical capacity of neighboring countries on applicable researches
9. Technical support for development of an applicable package of essential PHC services for the scattered & mobile population.
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