In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Sets Up its First Drive-Thru COVID-19 Vaccination Center
In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Sets Up its First Drive-Thru COVID-19 Vaccination Center
In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Sets Up the First Drive-Thru COVID-19 Vaccination Center
In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Sets Up its First Drive-Thru COVID-19 Vaccination Center
In Pictures: Maintaining Equitable Access to Primary Healthcare Services in the remote border areas of Sistan & Balouchestan Province - even amid COVID
Amid the emergency COVID-19 response, the world cannot afford to ignore people’s broader health needs. PHC has a critical role to play in ensuring continued access to routine and essential services.
COVID-19 vaccination record set in Zahedan, southeast of Iran by inoculating more than 10,000 doses of "COVIran Barakat" vaccine in just 4 days
The head of Zahedan Health Center announced the injection of 10,000 doses of COVIran Barakat vaccine in 4 days in the COVID-19 vaccination centers. Dr. Jalil Nejati, stated that fortunately we are witnessing the widespread acceptance of the COVIran Barakat vaccine by our dear citizens of Zahedan.
In Pictures: H.E. Iran’s Minister of Health visiting Sistan and Balouchetsan Province amid a surge of COVID-19 cases, July 2021
H.E. Iran’s Minister of Health visiting Sistan and Balouchetsan Province amid a surge of COVID-19 cases, July 2021
Participation of Community Health Volunteers in an intensified contact tracing program conducted by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
Amid a new wave of coronavirus disease in Sistan & Balouchestan Province, a total of 186 Community Health Volunteers have been trained to participate in tracing close contacts and in monitoring the compliance with home isolation protocols by COVID 19 cases and reverse quarantine among high risk groups living in their neighborhood.
The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran offer assistance to deal with COVID surge in Sistan and Balouchetsan Province
The armed forces have mobilised their resources to assist the Iran’s Ministry of Health as the country battles a devastating second wave of Covid-19. The Commander of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences welcomed the doctors and nurses of the Army who arrived in Zahedan.
In Pictures: Contact tracing conducted for close contacts of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients by Zahedan Healthcare workers, June 2021
Contact tracing is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing people who have been exposed to a disease to prevent onward transmission. When systematically applied, contact tracing will break the chains of transmission of COVID-19 and is an essential public health tool for controlling the virus.
In Pictures: Contact tracing conducted for close contacts of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients by Zahedan Healthcare workers, June 2021
Contact tracing is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing people who have been exposed to a disease to prevent onward transmission. When systematically applied, contact tracing will break the chains of transmission of COVID-19 and is an essential public health tool for controlling the virus.
In Pictures: Under strict public health protocols Presidential election was held in Iran on 18 June 2021.
Presidential election was held in Iran on 18 June 2021. They were the thirteenth quadrennial presidential elections in Iran since the establishment of the Islamic Republic.