Zahedan University of Medical Sciences participating in the 3rd International Congress of Health in Arbaeen, 02-04 August 2023, Tehran, Iran

Report from: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, International Affairs Office
Published on: 04 August 2023
The 3rd International Congress on "Health in Arbaeen" was held in Tehran, I.R. of Iran from 02-04 August 2023. More than 50 foreign health professionals and authorities, and representatives from nine countries including: Iraq, Lebanon, the United States, England, Pakistan, and Bahrain participated in this congress.
In this three-day event, the main achievements, success stories and challenges in providing health and treatment services during the Arbaeen pilgrimage were discussed by different scientific panels and experts. To remove obstacles to the provision of health care services for pilgrims, the congress also has a focus on strengthening Interdepartmental coordination and synergies with service providers.
The scientific and cultural axes of the congress included:
Nutrition committee
Health Committee
Cultural Committee
Treatment Committee
Information Technology Committee
Drug and Equipment Committee
Emergency Management Committee
Relief Committee
International Committee
People's participation committee
Public relations and information committee
Forensic Medicine Committee
Traditional Medicine Committee
Rehabilitation Committee
Nursing Committee
Mental Health Committee
Research Committee
Student committee
Environmental Health Committee
Procession Committee
In addition, an exhibition of services and equipment needed to provide health and treatment services to Arbaeen pilgrim’s was set up in the sideline of the congress.
Please click here to visit the congress website
On the second day of the congress, Dr. Mustafa Ahmadi Moghadam, the Director of Mirjaveh Health and Treatment Network, gave a speech in the panel on the challenges of Arbaeen pilgrims at the border crossings, as the representative of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
In his speech, Dr. Ahmadi Moghaddam elaborated on the challenges of the mass gatherings at the border crossings including the mass arrival of the population from the border terminals of the province and the challenges of health and treatment, environmental health, the importance of providing safe water, etc.
At the closing ceremony of the congress, Dr. Mustafa Ahmadi Moghadam, the Director of Mirjaveh Health and Treatment Network,was selected as the top speaker in the panel on the challenges of Arbaeen pilgrims at the border crossings.
Dr. Habib Ghaznavi, Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, and Dr. Mustafa Ahmadi Moghaddam, the Director of Mirjaveh Health and Treatment Network, were awarded certificate of appreciation, in the presence of Prof Mulazim Hussain Bukhari, the representative of College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Lahore, Pakistan and the representatives of the Iran’s Ministry of Health.
An article presented by Mrs. Asiye Amin Afshar from Zahdan University of Medical Sciences entitled: "Responsiveness and preparation of the health system for the Arbaeen gatherings at the border-crossings: a qualitative content analysis from southeast Iran" was also selected as the best article presented at this congress.
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, as one of the most important universities serving Arbaeen pilgrims in the eastern borders, participated in this congress by setting up an exhibition.
The achievements of this congress for Zahedan University of Medical Sciences among others include: Introducing the southeastern borders of the country, presenting the activities and health and treatment services provided by Zahedan University of Medical Sciences at border-crossing, and recruitment of health volunteers among Pakistani pilgrims, provision of two ambulances by the National Emergency Organization to be stationed at Mirjaveh Border, and funding to be allocated by Deputy Minister for Health for boosting malaria elimination activities by ZAUMS.
The Arbaeen Pilgrimage is the world’s largest public gathering that is held every year in the Holy city of Karbala, Iraq. Some of pilgrims from all folks of life make their journey to the Holy city of Karbala from Pakistani cities by road, crossing the Iran-Pakistan border in Mirjaveh, Iran.
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences with the participation and cooperation of the health departments of other governmental, military and law enforcement agencies, such as the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the Iranian Army Ground and Border Forces, Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS), Health Charitable Institutes, and NGOs, has established the "Arbaeen Health &Treatment Committee" to provide medical and health services to the esteemed pilgrims of Arbaeen in recent years.
Copyright © 2023 Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved. Date updated: 04/08/2023
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