In Pictures: Under strict public health protocols Presidential election was held in Iran on 18 June 2021.
Presidential election was held in Iran on 18 June 2021. They were the thirteenth quadrennial presidential elections in Iran since the establishment of the Islamic Republic.
Coronavirus Drug and Treatment Tracker (Updated April 5, 2022)
Below is an updated list of 35 of the most talked-about drugs and treatments for Covid-19. For each entry, we review the evidence for or against its use, based on published scientific findings and consultation with experts.
Coronavirus Drug and Treatment Tracker (Updated April 5, 2022)
Below is an updated list of 35 of the most talked-about drugs and treatments for Covid-19. For each entry, we review the evidence for or against its use, based on published scientific findings and consultation with experts.
Commencement of vaccination of Covid-19 for Solid Waste Management Workers in Zahedan, Iran
The director of Disease Prevention and Control Department of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences announced the beginning of inoculation of Covid-19 vaccine for sanitation workers of Zahedan.
Sistan & Balouchetsn Province sees spike in deadly crashes during Nowruz 2021, data shows
The Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences stated that during the Nowruz 2021 holidays from March 15, 2021 to April 4, 2021, unfortunately, 44 people lost their lives due to road traffic accidents in the province. During the same period a total of 23 people have died of coronavirus disease in the provinces hospitals.
Science in 5: WHO’s series on science and COVID-19
Science in 5 is WHO’s conversations in science. In this video and audio series published every week WHO experts explain scientific concepts related to COVID-19. Keep updated with the latest science through WHO’s YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn channels and on major podcast platforms. Stay safe, stay healthy and stick with science!