Mobile vaccination teams deployed to outskirts of Zahedan District to offer COVID-19 jabs to encourage junior uptake
The Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical education has been focusing on implementing initiatives to bring COVID-19 vaccination services closer to communities. Mobile vaccination teams have been deployed to especially hard-to-reach populations and rural communities.
World Mental Health Day 2021 (Mental health care for all: lets make it a reality)
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a serious impact on people’s psychological state. It has been shown that some of the people who have been struggling the most include those who were already facing considerable challenges, such health and other frontline workers, students, people living alone, and people with pre-existing mental state conditions, are particularly affected.
In pictures: Reenacting “Arbaee’n Walk”, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Main Campus, Arbaeen 2021
In pictures: Reenacting “Arbaee’n Walk”, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Main Campus, Arbaee’n 2021
In pictures: Reenacting “Arbaee’n Walk”, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Main Campus, Arbaee’n 2021
In pictures: Reenacting “Arbaee’n Walk”, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Main Campus, Arbaee’n 2021
Celebrating World Environmental Health Day 2021 at Zahedan University of Medical Sceinces: Prioritizing Environmental Health for healthier communities in global recovery
Since 2011, September 26 is observed annually as World Environmental Health Day across the globe. It was established that year by the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), a body of 44 member states, with a goal to raise awareness regarding the health of our environment.
Celebrating World Environmental Health Day 2021 at Zahedan University of Medical Sceinces: Prioritizing Environmental Health for healthier communities in global recovery
Since 2011, September 26 is observed annually as World Environmental Health Day across the globe. It was established that year by the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), a body of 44 member states, with a goal to raise awareness regarding the health of our environment.
Providing ophthalmological diagnostic services in the most remote optometry clinic of the Sistan and Balouchestan Province
Ophthalmological diagnostic services are provided to compatriots in the most remote optometry clinic of the province in Mirjaveh Darolshafa Hospital. Dr. Mostafa Ahmadi Moghaddam, Head of Mirjaveh Health District Health Center, said: "Since the establishment of the optometry clinic at the Mirjaveh Darolshafa Hospital, more than 700 border residents have received services."
Providing ophthalmological diagnostic services in the most remote optometry clinic of the Sistan and Balouchestan Province
Ophthalmological diagnostic services are provided to compatriots in the most remote optometry clinic of the province in Mirjaveh Darolshafa Hospital. Dr. Mostafa Ahmadi Moghaddam, Head of Mirjaveh Health District Health Center, said: "Since the establishment of the optometry clinic at the Mirjaveh Darolshafa Hospital, more than 700 border residents have received services."
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences commences COVID-19 Vaccination for everyone 18 years and older
With the approval of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, COVID-19 vaccination for the population 18 years of age and older in Sistan and Baluchestan Province began today. According to the public relations report - Dr. Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Vice Chancellor for Health of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, during a visit to a COVID-19 vaccination center in Zahedan district, announced that: "All residents of Sistan and Balouchetsan Province aged 18 years and older are recommended to get vaccinated against COVID-19".
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences commences COVID-19 Vaccination for everyone 18 years and older
With the approval of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, COVID-19 vaccination for the population 18 years of age and older in Sistan and Baluchestan Province began today. According to the public relations report - Dr. Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Vice Chancellor for Health of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, during a visit to a COVID-19 vaccination center in Zahedan district, announced that: "All residents of Sistan and Balouchetsan Province aged 18 years and older are recommended to get vaccinated against COVID-19".