Zahedan university of Medical Sciences Academics participated in the AMEE 2023 Annual Conference
The Director of the Medical Education Development Center at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS) stated that the AMEE International Medical Education Conference was held for the first time at ZAUMS, simultaneously with 15 other medical universities in the country.
Nadjmi Foundation in collaboration with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences to Establish a Specialized Cleft Palate and Cleft Lip Clinic in Al-Zahra (SA) Sub-specialty Hospital, Zahedan, Iran
Nadjmi Foundation in samenwerking met Zahedan University of Medical Sciences om een gespecialiseerde kliniek voor gespleten gehemelte en gespleten lip op te richten in het Al-Zahra (SA) subspecialistische ziekenhuis, Zahedan, Iran
A researcher from Zahedan University of Medical Sciences invents a drug that breaks down kidney stones
Dr. Ruhi Afkari, a researcher with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, succeeded in inventing a combination of oxalate-decomposing probiotic bacteria and plant extracts that proved to be effective in reducing calcium oxalate kidney stones. The Head of Intellectual Property Office of ZAUMS announcing this news regarding the importance of this invention, said: “kidney stone is a common disease in the urogenital system, which still there is no definitive treatment to this condition”.
Ali Ibn Abitalib (PBUH) Tertiary Care Hospital in Zahedan , Southeast of Iran to obtain an IPD certificate
The Secretary of Health Tourism, Irans’ Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Dr. Tarjoman, Mrs. Danayee, Health Tourism Expert, MOH, Dr. Tabatabaei, Advisor to the ZAUMS Chancellor for International Affairs, and Dr. Keikha, Head of the Department of Medical Supervision, visited the Ali Ibn Abitalib Hospital, Zahedan to evaluate the capabilities and potentials of this hospital for obtaining an IPD certificate.
World Congress of Epidemiology 2024 | 24-27 September 2024
Save the dates! The 2024 World Congress of Epidemiology will take place 24-27 September in Cape Town, South Africa. Plans are well underway and organizers plan to offer 100 brusaries to early career epidemiologists in LMICs.
Respected Pakistani Arba’een Hosseini pilgrims arriving in Iran through the Mirjaveh border crossing, August 2023
اگست 2023 کو میرجاویہ بارڈر کراسنگ کے ذریعے ایران پہنچنے والے معزز پاکستانی اربعین حسینی زائرین
Al-Zahra Eye Hospital in Zahedan, south of Iran is a Center of Excellence in the field of ophthalmology and in the process of obtaining IPD certificate
Dr.Tarjoman, Secretary of Health Tourism, Irans’ Ministry of Health and Medical Education stated that Al-Zahra Eye Hospital, Zahedan in terms of both infrastructure and the necessary processes is completely prepared to provide medical services to international patients.
Daro-Shefa General Hospital in Border City of Mirjaveh, southeast of Iran to receive the IPD certificate for admitting International Patients
In a visit of Dr. Tarjeman, Secretary of Health Tourism, Iran’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MoH), Mrs. Danayee, Health Tourism Expert, MoH, Dr. Ali Khajeh, Vice Chancellor for Treatment Affairs, and Dr. Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Advisor to ZAUMS Chancellor for International Affairs, and Dr. Zahra Keikha, Head of the Department of Medical Supervision to Daro-Shefa General Hospital in Border City of Mirjaveh on 15th August 2023, the hospital was evaluated in prospects of preparation for admitting international patients.
A supplementary Measles & Rubella (MR) Vaccination Campaign was launched in Sistan and Balouchestan Province, southeast of Iran in August 2023
In response to the measles outbreaks, Melase & Rubella Vaccination Campaign is being held from 12 August 2023 to 1 September 2023, aiming to increase the vaccination coverage for measles and rubella (MR) diseases among the under 5-years- old children.