Zahedan University of Medical Sciences launches the National Health Campaign for diabetes and hypertension screening, November 2023
A "National Health Campaign” with the slogan "earlier awareness, more effective care" is being implemented throughout the country from October 11, 2023 to January 5, 2024.
Helping Children Cope - Coping doesn’t come easy for kids
By late toddlerhood, most children develop coping habits to avoid and ameliorate painful and vulnerable feelings such as guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, and sadness. For example, dishonesty in children is not primarily deception. It results from common coping habits of blame (they did it), denial (I don't know), and avoidance (hiding or pretending it didn't happen). As parents, we must help our kids replace bad coping habits with better ones.
Inauguration of the first Health Science and Technology Park in Southeast of the Iran in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, November 2023
The Health Science and Technology Park of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, as the first Health Science and Technology Park in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, was inaugurated vritually with the presence of H. E. Iran’s Minister of Health, Dr. Bahram Einollahi.
The absent parent syndrome and its impact on child development
The absent parent syndrome refers to parents who are not present during their children’s childhood, which has consequences on the child’s development.
The second Internationalization Council of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences meeting held in November 2023
The second meeting of the Internationalization Council of the Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS) was held for this year on 13/11/2023, with the presence of the Chancellor and vice chancellors of the university, a group of managers and a number of heads of schools and deans of hospitals.
In Pictures: The medical staff of the hospitals of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences condemn the criminal act of the Zionist regime in the massacre of the people of Gaza, November 2023
بالصور: الطاقم الطبی فی مستشفیات جامعة زاهدان للعلوم الطبیة یدین الفعل الإجرامی للنظام الصهیونی فی مجزرة شعب غزة نوفمبر 2023