Zahedan University of Medical Sciences gets permission for admitting students to MBBS course
The Committee for Adaptation of Educational Programs for International Students of the Secretariat of the Supreme Planning Council of Medical Sciences has granted permission to the Zahedan University of Medical Sciences to admit MBBS students from the academic year2024-2025.
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences attended the Iran Expo 2024, the First International Exhibition of Iran's Export Opportunities to Pakistan, Chabahar, Iran, January 2024
The Iran Expo 2024, the First International Exhibition of Iran's Export Opportunities to Pakistan was held in Chabahar, Iran, from 16- 19 January 2024 organized by the Provincial Office of Industry, Mining, and Trade of Sistan and Baluchestan Province. In this exhibition, 22 innovative products from ZAUMS were showcased to visitors.
Nadjmi Charity Foundation and Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Inked an Agreement to Establish an Excellent Services Center for the Care of Patients with Congenital Anomalies
Nadjmi Charity Foundation en Zahedan University of Medical Sciences hebben een overeenkomst getekend voor de oprichting van een uitstekend servicecentrum voor de zorg voor patiënten met aangeboren afwijkingen
Don’t miss an exciting event to learn about Book Clubs!
The tile of the Book “Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results” By: James Clear
The Global Health Security Summit was opened with the presence of Iran's representative in Pakistan, January 2024, Islamabad, Pakistan
Islamabad - IRNA - The Global Health Security Summit was opened on 10th January 2024 in Islamabad, Pakistan with the presence of delegations from various international organizations as well as the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The birth of 52 babies affected with severe beta Thalassemia averted in Zahedan in 2023
Premarital screening can detect carriers of these diseases so that at-risk couples can be identified and advised about the possibility of bearing affected children. During last year, 52 babies with Beta thalassemia major have been prevented from being born in Zahedan by providing counseling and education services.
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences launches first polio vaccination campaign of 2024
A four-day sub-national polio immunization campaign started from January 6 to January 9, 2024 where drops will be administered to children of less than 5 years of age to keep the disease at bay. The campaign has been planned to vaccinate over 22 thousand children under the age of five living in Sistan and Balouchestan Province.