Zahedan University of Medical Sciences now is being ranked by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025
We are delighted to announce that Zahedan University of Medical Sciences has been ranked at 801–1000 in the World University Rankings 2025.
Faculty Members of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences among world top 1 percent most cited researchers
According to the Vice Chancellor of Research and Information Technology, ZAUMS, another faculty member has been listed among the top 1% of scientists globally, while 7 others have been recognized in the top 2% of scientists in the world.
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences condemned Israeli brutal and barbaric act of the killing of Hezbollah leader Seyed Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon
In pursuit of martyrdom of the Resistance leader, Martyr "Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah," faculty members, staff, and students of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences gathered to condemn the barbaric crimes of the criminal Israeli regime and the bloodthirsty the US administration.
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences participates in the 13th Edition of Oman Health Exhibition and Conference 2024
جامعة زاهدان للعلوم الطبیة تشارک فی الدورة الثالثة عشر لمعرض ومؤتمر عمان للصحة 2024
A Master’s student in Psychiatric Nursing from Zahedan University of Medical Sciences awarded the title of the best research paper in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
According to the Public Relations report, Dr. Ebrahim Kurd, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology at ZAUMS, stated that Ms. Leila Mohammadifar (Master’s student in Psychiatric Nursing) was recognized in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, earning the title of Best Paper.