An exciting opportunity for interested researchers and environmental health professionals in EMRO region
EHP Publishing is now accepting nominations (including self-nominations) for Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editors, and Associate Editors for the soon-to-be-relaunched Journal of Health and Pollution (JHP). JHP is an open-access global environmental health journal with a focus on research conducted by scientists residing in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) or Indigenous communities
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences is among the top 17 medical universities and schools in Iran
Dr. Ghaznavi the chancellor of ZAUMS stated that Zahedan University of Medical Sciences is going through its growing process in the field of science, research, technology and medicine. The review of the scientific productions of ZAUMS shows that this university is among the top 17 universities and medical schools in the country. He continued: based on the January 2023 edition of the webometrics ranking system, ZAUMS has been ranked 17th among 65 medical sciences universities in the country, with one step up compared to July 2022. He continued: fortunately, in the world university ranking, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences has been upgraded 70 times in the January 2023 ranking.
World Health Organization country Office supports scaling-up equitable mental health services among underprivileged populations: success stories from Zahedan, Iran
Strengthening mental health service provision was discussed during the visit of Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain, WHO Representative in Iran to Zahedan in February 2022. It was agreed that with the financial support from WHO and the Ministry of Interior, a mental health team consisting of psychiatrists, physicians, psychologists and social workers scale up providing a set of free-of-charge mental health services at the Shirabad Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) also known as SERAJ center, located in outskirts of Zahedan, for the population residing in this area of more than 80 thousands.
An ophthalmologist with Al-Zahra (S) Sub-specialty Hospital, Zahedan, Iran, elected as the model of professional qualification at the 15th Professor Shamss Foundation Ophthalmology and Visual Science Festival
Dr. Mohammad Arish, subspecialist in neuro-ophthalmology of Al-Zahra (S) Hospital, Zahedan, Iran, was elected as a professional qualification model at the 15th Professor Shamss Foundation Ophthalmology and Visual Science Festival.
English Lecture: Demystifying the mystical by the activity of the pineal gland
English Lecture: Demystifying the mystical by the activity of the pineal gland
In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences holds Startup Weekend on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February, 2023
In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences holds Startup Weekend on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February, 2023
Grant writing webinar
Objectives of the webinar: • To use brainstorming tools to generate ideas and evidence; • To be able to draft a compelling and concise research proposal abstract and text; • To refine ideas and write for a less technical audience/reviewers; • To understand the requirements for each section of a research grant; • To write convincingly about research impact; • To be able to assess and mitigate risks; • To describe the proposal review process; • To effectively develop a collaborative research grant.
The first meeting of the blood transfusion Organizations of G5 state members was held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, February 14-15, 2023
The first meeting of blood transfusion directors of G5 member countries, namely Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan plus the World Health Organization, and the 25th meeting of senior experts of G5 member countries in the field of health was held in Tehran, I.R. of Iran from February 14th to February 15th, 2023.
Scientific Webinar: " How do we decide what chemicals cause cancer? Focus on the International Agency for Research in Cancer"
Topic: " How do we decide what chemicals cause cancer? Focus on the International Agency for Research in Cancer"
In pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences participating in the 26th G5 high level expert meeting on Health Cooperation
In pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences participating in the 26th G5 high level expert meeting on Health Cooperation