In pictures: Community Health Volunteers along with Healthcare Workers embarking on door-to-door COVID-19 case detection and free testing in neighborhoods
In pictures: Community Health Volunteers along with Healthcare Workers embarking on door-to-door COVID-19 case detection and free testing in neighborhoods
Home gardens: a promising approach to empower rural women through healthy nutrition education and to enhance household food security and wellbeing
Home gardening is the use of an area around the residence where various herbs, fruits, and vegetables can be grown year-round for household consumption together with some livestock. It has been well established that women empowerment is a foundation for improving nutrition and food security. There is some evidence that women’s training in home gardening and nutrition empowers women. Home garden interventions can therefore make an effective contribution to addressing micronutrient undernutrition.
Home gardens: a promising approach to empower rural women through healthy nutrition education and to enhance household food security and wellbeing
Home gardening is the use of an area around the residence where various herbs, fruits, and vegetables can be grown year-round for household consumption together with some livestock. It has been well established that women empowerment is a foundation for improving nutrition and food security. There is some evidence that women’s training in home gardening and nutrition empowers women. Home garden interventions can therefore make an effective contribution to addressing micronutrient undernutrition.
The campaign to promote face mask as a lifesaver in times of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is now a major threat to global health. The incidence and deaths related to COVID 19 is mounting at an alarming rate in Iran and across the world. But this pandemic cannot be controlled by governments alone. It needs the participation of all the people to help reduce transmission.
The campaign to promote face mask as a lifesaver in times of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is now a major threat to global health. The incidence and deaths related to COVID 19 is mounting at an alarming rate in Iran and across the world. But this pandemic cannot be controlled by governments alone. It needs the participation of all the people to help reduce transmission.
Home remedies for treatment of COVID 19: Stories from recovered COVID-19 patients
Coronavirus is the most repetitious word in the world... But today we are not going to speak about the prevalence of it, instead, lets go around the city and go to the spicery shops to find out which of their products have sales more and what they are used for.
Zahedan University o Medical Sciences launches Vitamin A supplementation program to prevent COVID 19 infection in children 2-5 years of age
Children with vitamin A deficiency are at greater risk of contracting respiratory tract infections. Pre-existing vitamin A deficiency appears to worsen infection and increase the risk of mortality. Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to reduce the risk of death in 6–59 month old children by one third.
Improving supervision of distribution and provision of medications in collaboration with pharmaceutics experts and veterans in the province of Sistan and Balouchestan amid COVID-19 pandemic
Resorting to collective wisdom and the experience of pharmaceutics veterans is one of the main strategies to meet the pharmaceutical needs of the province of Sistan and Balouchestan. Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Dr. Hashemi Shahri in a meeting with members and representative of Pharmacists Association of Sistan and Balouchestan Province expressed his gratitude for constructive interaction and companionship of provincial pharmacists in timely procurement of pharmaceutical needs in the province.
Improving supervision of distribution and provision of medications in collaboration with pharmaceutics experts and veterans in the province of Sistan and Balouchestan amid COVID-19 pandemic
Resorting to collective wisdom and the experience of pharmaceutics veterans is one of the main strategies to meet the pharmaceutical needs of the province of Sistan and Balouchestan. Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Dr. Hashemi Shahri in a meeting with members and representative of Pharmacists Association of Sistan and Balouchestan Province expressed his gratitude for constructive interaction and companionship of provincial pharmacists in timely procurement of pharmaceutical needs in the province.
During coronavirus pandemic more than 6000 nomads in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan Province underwent coronvirus disease screening in three phases
Dr. Hashemi-Shahri Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in a meeting with the Director General of Sistan and Balouchestan Nomads Affairs stated that the nomads are a source of pride for our country and added that for the first time Nomads Health Houses have been planned and four nomads health homes will be set up in the district under Zahedan University of Medical Sciences coverage by the end of this year, so that more focused- services are rendered to the nomad population.