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Ali Ibn Abitalib (PBUH) Tertiary Care Hospital in Zahedan , Southeast of Iran to obtain an IPD certificate

Ali Ibn Abitalib (PBUH) Tertiary Care Hospital in Zahedan , Southeast of Iran to obtain an IPD certificate

The Secretary of Health Tourism, Irans’ Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Dr. Tarjoman, Mrs. Danayee, Health Tourism Expert, MOH, Dr. Tabatabaei, Advisor to the ZAUMS Chancellor for International Affairs, and Dr. Keikha, Head of the Department of Medical Supervision, visited the Ali Ibn Abitalib Hospital, Zahedan to evaluate the capabilities and potentials of this hospital for obtaining an IPD certificate.

Daro-Shefa General Hospital in Border City of Mirjaveh, southeast of Iran to receive the IPD certificate for admitting International Patients

Daro-Shefa General Hospital in Border City of Mirjaveh, southeast of Iran to receive the IPD certificate for admitting International Patients

In a visit of Dr. Tarjeman, Secretary of Health Tourism, Iran’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MoH), Mrs. Danayee, Health Tourism Expert, MoH, Dr. Ali Khajeh, Vice Chancellor for Treatment Affairs, and Dr. Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Advisor to ZAUMS Chancellor for International Affairs, and Dr. Zahra Keikha, Head of the Department of Medical Supervision to Daro-Shefa General Hospital in Border City of Mirjaveh on 15th August 2023, the hospital was evaluated in prospects of preparation for admitting international patients.

Field visit of the Director of Medical Emergency Center of ZAUMS to Mirjaveh Hospital and Mile 72 Border Health Post and the infrastructures in preparation for upcoming Arba'een event

Field visit of the Director of Medical Emergency Center of ZAUMS to Mirjaveh Hospital and Mile 72 Border Health Post and the infrastructures in preparation for upcoming Arba'een event

On Sunday, July 23, 2023, Dr. Ali Abdul Razzaq Nejad; the Director of Medical Emergency Center of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and the Secretary of the Health and Treatment Committee of the Arba'een Provincial Headquarters, accompanied by Dr. Sheikhzadeh, Technical Deputy of Vice Chancellery for Health; Dr. Ahmadi Moghadam, Director of Mirjaveh Health network and Dr. Miri; The director of Zahedan Medical Society's Basij Center visited the infrastructure of Mirjaveh border terminal in preparation for upcoming Arba'een event.

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