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Zahedan University of Medical Sciences commences COVID-19 Vaccination for everyone 18 years and older

Zahedan University of Medical Sciences commences COVID-19 Vaccination for everyone 18 years and older

With the approval of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, COVID-19 vaccination for the population 18 years of age and older in Sistan and Baluchestan Province began today. According to the public relations report - Dr. Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei, Vice Chancellor for Health of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, during a visit to a COVID-19 vaccination center in Zahedan district, announced that: "All residents of Sistan and Balouchetsan Province aged 18 years and older are recommended to get vaccinated against COVID-19".

Behvarz (Rural Healthcare Workers): a link between the health system and the residents of remote areas in Iran

Behvarz (Rural Healthcare Workers): a link between the health system and the residents of remote areas in Iran

The Iranian public sector has provided PHC services to even its most rural populations via health houses staffed with Rural Community Healthcare Workers (Behvarz). Behvarzes are rural health workers employed by the Iranian health system. They are stationed in health houses in rural areas. Each health house is designed to cover a target population of approximately 1500 individuals.

Zahedan University of Medical Sciences kicks off vaccination of teachers, school staff against COVID-19 in  Sistan and Baluchestan Province, before schools reopen in September 2021

Zahedan University of Medical Sciences kicks off vaccination of teachers, school staff against COVID-19 in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, before schools reopen in September 2021

The best available evidence suggests kids and schools are not major drivers of transmission, even though children can transmit the virus. Even though children may not be the face of this epidemic, they may become the biggest victims because of restrictions that disrupt their lives. Although these measures are necessary, they will inevitably undermine children’s access to health, education, welfare and protection services, and their impact may last a lifetime, especially for the most vulnerable groups.

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