World Health Organization country Office in Tehran to support the collaboration between the Pakistan Health Department and Medical Institutes and Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
The representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Iran and Head of Mission, Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain in a videoconference meeting that vas held on 31 August 2022 regarding exploring areas for collaboration with Pakistan universities and health authorities stated that there is a very high capacity for the development of health, medical and educational cooperation and collaboration between Iran and Pakistan, and he proposed establishing a relationship with Aga Khan University in Karachi and Bolan University of Medical and Health Sciences (BUMHS) in Quetta, and with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in the field of medical sciences education.
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences is among the top 18 universities and medical schools in Iran
The Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences said: based on the July 2022 edition of the webometrics ranking system, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, with three ranks improvement as compared with July 2021 edition, was ranked 18th among 65 universities of sciences.
The second meeting of the Internationalization council of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences held in August 2022
The second meeting of the Internationalization Council of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS) was held with the focus on the internationalization of education on Tuesday 02/08/2022 with the presence of the Chancellor and vice chancellors of the university, a group of managers and deans of faculties affiliated with ZAUMS.
The beginning of the intensive courses on Urdu language for the health care worker in Mirjaveh, Iran, August 2022
میرجاوہ، ایران، اگست 2022 میں ہیلتھ کیئر ورکر کے لیے اردو زبان کے گہرے کورسز کا آغاز
The first meeting of the Internationalization Council of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences held in June 2022
The first meeting of the Internationalization Council of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS) was held on Monday 04/06/1401 with the presence of the Chancellor and vice chancellors of the university, a group of managers and deans of faculties affiliated with ZAUMS.
Abidi Pharmaceutical Company donating medical supplies and equipment to two health houses affiliated with Zahedan University of Medical, Zahedan, Iran
Abidi Pharmaceuticals is the first and the oldest Iranian pharmaceutical company in the private sector with more than 75 years of experience in manufacturing medications in Iran.
The representative of World Health Organization (WHO) and Head of Mission in Iran, Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain paid a visit to Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, February 2022
The representative of World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain paid a two-day visit in 1st and 2nd of February 2022, to Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, in Zahedan, southeast of Iran.
In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Launches the First Polio Vaccination Campaign in 2022
ZAUMS launches first polio vaccination campaign of 2022. Polio immunization drive will last for one week and aims to vaccinate over 400 thousand children under the age of five living in Sistan and Balouchestan Province. More than 2800 healthcare workers and community health volunteer teams to take part in the campaign adhering to strict COVID-19 precautionary measures.
Intensified COVID-19 Surveillance under new alert level system at the Mirjaveh-Pakistan border crossing amid the spread of Omicron Variant
On November 26, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified a new variant, B.1.1.529, as a Variant of Concern, and has named it Omicron. The variant was first identified in South Africa and Botswana, and cases of this variant have been identified in more than 85 nations to date. It is spreading rapidly in several countries, including Britain, Denmark and Norway.