Almost 700 thousands children set to receive measles rubella mumps vaccine in Sistan and Balouchestan Province, southeast of Iran
In 2019, when the Eastern Mediterranean region was experiencing its greatest upsurge in measles cases, Iran received a certificate for measles elimination in October 2019
In pictures: Reenacting “Arbaee’n Walk”, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Main Campus, Arbaeen 2021
In pictures: Reenacting “Arbaee’n Walk”, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Main Campus, Arbaee’n 2021
Behvarz (Rural Healthcare Workers): a link between the health system and the residents of remote areas in Iran
The Iranian public sector has provided PHC services to even its most rural populations via health houses staffed with Rural Community Healthcare Workers (Behvarz). Behvarzes are rural health workers employed by the Iranian health system. They are stationed in health houses in rural areas. Each health house is designed to cover a target population of approximately 1500 individuals.
In Pictures: Religious Figures and Scholars in Zahedan, Iran participating in a Vaccination Campaign to persuade people to take the COVID-19 jab
In Pictures: Religious Figures and Scholars in Zahedan, Iran participating in a Vaccination Campaign to persuade people to take the COVID-19 vaccine
In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Sets Up the First Drive-Thru COVID-19 Vaccination Center
In Pictures: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Sets Up its First Drive-Thru COVID-19 Vaccination Center
The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran offer assistance to deal with COVID surge in Sistan and Balouchetsan Province
The armed forces have mobilised their resources to assist the Iran’s Ministry of Health as the country battles a devastating second wave of Covid-19. The Commander of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Chancellor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences welcomed the doctors and nurses of the Army who arrived in Zahedan.
Covid-19 pandemic: in-depth analysis of cases and deaths in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences a year since the time the first case emerged in China
As of 27 February 2021, globally more than 114,035,478 cases have been reported with more than 2,530,385 deaths, and the figures keep increasing every day. As of the same date, about 1,615,184 confirmed cases have also been reported from Islamic Republic of Iran, with 59,899 reported deaths of Covid 19 .
Iran COVID-19 Emergency Response Project (ICERP) enhances the capacity for laboratory diagnosis for COVID-19 at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran
The implementation of the Iran COVID-19 Emergency Response Project (ICERP) has resulted in expanding real-time polymerase chain reaction testing capacity, through optimization of existing facilities.
Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Launches First Polio Vaccination Campaign in February and March 2021
A five-day sub-national polio immunization campaign started from 13 February 2021 where drops will be administered to children of less than 5 years of age to keep the disease at bay, despite the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. The campaign has been planned to vaccinate over 450 thousand children under the age of five living in Sistan and Balouchestan Province.